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" brownies "
katsuki x reader

word count: 927
i'm sorry if this didn't make sense or whatever. i got a little carried away and i lost on what i was originally planning to write. take this as a valentines chapter, i guess? i had a great date with my ice cream btw :)


the day has ended, the students went to the dorms and decided to hang out or do their own things. the bakusquad were just hanging out in the living room, playing uno and katsuki swears that he doesn't know why he chose to hang out with such nosiest people. it was mostly denki and mina, sometimes hanta that kept screaming or shouting. katsuki was on the couch, silently watching them. he scoffed, the thought for people who wants to be heroes, they can be rather childish.

the sound of trays were knocked over, katsuki's head whipped to the direction of the sound. the bakusquad also heard this. mina, first concerned, she asks.

"everything okay, y/n?" she says, loudly enough for her friend to hear it.

"i'm fine!! sorry, just keep playing!" y/n reassures her friends due to her clumsiness. mina replies with an "okay" and continued the game. katsuki gets off the couch and approaches the kitchen with his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants. y/n didn't noticed the ash-blonde's presence, seeming her concentration was on her whatever she's baking. he takes a seat on the high chairs, resting his arms on the kitchen counter.

as creepy as it sounds, he enjoyed watching her baking. he noted the amount of attentivness on her face as she make sures all measures were correct. it was hard to admit it but he had found it rather quite adorable. as she stirs the bowl of mixture, a small smile appears on her lips. katsuki could've sworn his heartbeat can be heard through his ears. he was too busy studying her that he didn't know that the female herself acknowledged his existence.

"bakugou!! great, that you're here! i.." "idiot, i was here the whole time." katsuki didn't realized that a bowl was in front of him. he looked at the bowl then back at her.

"i need you to try it. i just wanna make sure if there's enough of everything in here for my brownies." katsuki raises an eyebrow. the female's eyes were like a puppy's eyes. endearing and irresistible. he clicked his tongue before scooping a small amount of chocolate mixture with his finger and tasting it. it was suprisingly good.

"it's.. nice.." katsuki says. she knew the male always struggles to find the right words for compliments, since he wasn't really fond of them. her smile widens.

"thanks!!" she takes the bowl and begin pouring the mixture to every hole of the tray.

"i didn't know you could bake." katsuki mentions.

"hmm? oh, i learned it from my dad actually! he was quite the chef. a little bit from sato, too." she sheepishly says the last part. katsuki hums. once she was done, she places the tray in the already heated oven and waits patiently.

time has passed and the bakusquad were still in the living room but they chose to watch a movie this time. katsuki and y/n decided to join them as the female waits on her brownies. the sun was beginning to set in the horizon. in the middle of the movie, a small ding echoed—a timer had been set off. katsuki looks at y/n who was beside him, was fast asleep. her head was rested against mina's shoulder. the male stood up and went to get the freshly baked brownies.

he tossed the mitten away once he set the tray on the counter. the smell of chocolate met his senses. it smelled amazing if he was being honest.

"oh, thank you, bakugou. you didn't have to."

katsuki snorts, "yes, i had to. you were asleep, idiot. it would've been burned if i didn't take it out."

y/n didn't know what to say. his tone was surprisingly calm but still held that stoic tone he always have. the female went to to grab a fork and tried one of the brownies. katsuki stares at her as she does so. she hums in delight, a good sign that her baking was good enough.

"want one?" she extends the fork that held a brownie towards the male. he was about to protest but the female had stuff it in his mouth before he could do so. taking a few bites, he shortly hums.

"not bad." he begins to walk away, back to the couch but the female had called out his name. he halted and looked back. she rubs the back of her neck, her eyes darted in every direction but the ash-blonde. he sighs as he walks towards her.

"i-i.. i made them just for you, actually.." he took note of her cheeks that was tinged with a shade of pink. he was flustered, he didn't what to say.

"o-or.. on second thought, i'll just keep them away for the others to eat.. it's okay—"

"i'll make sure to eat them tomorrow." y/n was shocked at his response. she had expected a rejection and a worse case scenario.

"really?" she asks to make sure he wasn't joking. his nod as a reply was enough.

"t-thank you, bakugou.." she smiled. he leans in, his face was brought closer to hers. his lips touch her cheek and it stays there for a few seconds before pulling away.

"call me katsuki." he mutters, loud enough for her to hear it. by the time he had his back faced to hers, his face was already warm and red as a tomato. his heart began to flutter as his thoughts were only on her.

"thank you.."

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