chapter 1: First day

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Rosalie pov

"Little bitch get down here and make me food now!!!"screamed my dad and I fell off my bed. I got up and made him food which he says I make good and that's the only thing I do good. After that I got ready for school because me dad finally let me go to a public school and I was happy for that because I got to high school there yeah!!! After I got ready I forgot to clean the living room last night and my dad got mad.

"You forgot to clean I told u to" he said and I could see his wolf trying to take over which he did.

"Baby girl run I will hold him back as long as I can please run" said Allen my dad's wolf he loves me because I came from my mom and I was his pup so he tried his best to protect me and fight back my dad.

"Ok daddy wolf love you bye"I said and ran for it I ran to my car that daddy wolf let me get when he had control over my dad and said if my dad destroyed it he would do something to my dad and I thanked him for that. I finally got to school and I went to the office to get my schedule and when I got there a girl was there and when she saw me she growled at me and so did the principal and the desk girl. I bowed my head down and I thought I was going to attack but I did not.

"What are you doing here rogue" said the principal.

"I am just here to go to school I mean no trouble I promise my dad took me out of my pack by force I did not want to leave"I said the principal looked at me then nodded and smiled at me with pity I guess believing me. The desk girl gave me my schedule and my locker number with the code and I walked out of there with girl following me.

"Hi i am Crystal and I am your watcher the principal said I had to til we could fully trust you "she said and I nodded understanding.

"Ok well we have homeroom third period lunch and six period together" she said and I nodded and she gave me a tour of the school and she showed me where my locker was. She was really nice she was ful with joy and hope and I really liked her and she asked if she wanted me to be friends with her and I said yes. We talked for a while and later we went to our first class and it passed really fast till we got to lunch. When we got there me and her got lunch and sat down eating and talking. She told me everything I needed to know and who to watch out for she also told me that the whole school was one pack and the pack name was red blood pack. Next she told me that the packs sluts were and the alphas were twins and there names were jaxson and dustin that made my wolf heaven purr happily.

"Why are you so happy?"I asked her giggling.

"Well I don't really know those names just made me happy for some reason don't know why" heaven told me and I just laughed.

"Ok weird wolf I will talk to you later ok love u " I said to her.

"Love u too" she said I blocked her off. Me and crystal talked for some more time till three girls came up to us and they were smiling evily at me.

"Well we'll well look here girls it is so filthy rogue and the stupid nerd" said the girl who I guess is the leader while the other two girls laughed.

"Chelsea lucy and Roxanne leave us alone we don't want to talk to you "said Crystal and she looked mad.

"Why would I listen to you I just wanted to sat hi so hi and here is a present " Chelsea said and dumped cold water on my head and I screamed. Everyone in the cafeteria looked over at us and laughed at us and I felt like crying so I ran out of there and into the bathroom. I cut my self cut after cut till I felt better and I cleaned up and headed to my fourth period soon as I entered everyone looked at me and started to call me names.





"Fat"insult after insults came flying at me and I almost started to cry til the teacher walked in and taught class. After that class I went to my other class and last it was gym. When I got there I saw Crystal and I sat with her and we talked til class started. The teacher told us we were playing dodge ball and I ended up on crystals team and me and her partnered up. I got the balls for her and she threw them protecting me from them. Kid after kid got out and at the end it was left with me and crystal and on the other side Chelsea and Roxanne. They smirked at us and I got a little scared but crystal told me to stay behind her and I nodded while they played. It kept going till Lucy got other then Crystal and I and Chelsea were left and she smirked at me.

"Well well well what is poor little Rosalie going to do"she said and threw the ball up and down. I grabbed a ball and I threw it at her and like in slow mode it hit her in the face and I won. Crystal ran up to me and hugged me.

"Omg omg omg did u see that u won for us !!" She said and I smiled.

"Yeah I can't believe I did that" I said and she did a happy dance and we walked out of the gym and we're walking out of the school.

"Omg so we need to plan a sleep over and I need to go shopping with u"she said as if we were best friends for ages but in reality I just met her today I laughed and nodded.

"Ok well how about this weekend?"she asked and I nodes I know that daddy wolf would let me so I was happy for that. While walking I went to my locker and said by to Crystal and got my things and my book and started to walk out of the school. While reading my book I bumped into someone and I felt sparks but them I fell and all my stuff went flying.

"Oh gosh are u o-"i said but when I looked up at him I saw him and looks like his twin they were both sniffing the air and I did the same and I smelled two smells. The first smell smelled like chocolate and mint my favorite ice cream. The second one smelled like watermelon and when I looked at them they pullE me up and pulled me into the janitors closet and closed the door while turning the light on and also locking the door.

"Well hello there I am jaxson and this is my brother Dustin and baby we are your mates and you are ours" said jaxson and they both smirked at me.

(Pic of Rosalie on the side)

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