chapter 14: good and bad

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rosalie pov

i woke up really nice with my mates right next to me holding me really tight to them which i did not mind what so ever. i tried to get out of their grasp but every time i tried to move they would tighten their grip on me so i just huffed and i had an evil idea. i connected my mind the the twins and when they let me in i started imagine us mating with me all nude right under there smoking bodies and for a while i kept thinking that. i heard a growl from either side of me also i heard moaning from both of them which made me laugh. all off a sudden i made a piano fall on us and we died with blood all over the place and the twins finally woke up sweating and me laughing my head off turning red and holding my stomach.

"oh my gosh dude did you see that she died WE DIED!!" dustin semi yelled and i just laughed harder.

"g g guys th that was m m me makeing you s s see th that" i laughed and they both glared at me.

"that was not funny i thought we died and it was gross" jaxson said and i could see leo trying to take over. i stopped laughing and got serious becuase i hate when there wolves do that.

"let both your wolves out now i need to talk to both those asses" i said mad and heaven was just laughing. they sighed warning me but letting them that i saw that their eyes were fully black i new their were out and leo looked pissed but cole was just smiling at me weird.

"now you ass holes need to know when to stay calm or else?" i said growling at then and leo growled while cole just examined his nails and that pissed me out more.

"ok leo me sorry can you let jaxy out for he can go get me water please" i said bashing my eyelashes. he growled but nodded letting jaxson out and leaving. once he was gone i was in front of cole in three seconds and had him pinned to the wall.

"no listen here wolfy you might be playing inoccent but it is pissing my off i know what you were going to do and it was going to be just like leo so spill" i said and he growled at me spinning us around pinning me to the wall.

"one princess i was trying to stay calm but you are pushing it and unlike my human i will mate you soon very soon if you don't stop trying to piss me off got it" he growled at me and i knew that he was serious and that scared the shit out of me.

"please no no no please i am sorry so so sorry please" i cried out and i felt tears streaming down my face. i felt like it was my dad was right infront of my instead of cole and it made me really scared. i saw coles eyes chage back to Dustins eyes and he looked at me worried.

"baby why are you crying what did he say to you." dustin said holding me tight but right now the only person i feel safe with is  riley so i ran out of the room to rileys room entering to see him listening to music. i jumped on his bed and curled up to his side sobbing. once he noticed it was just me he quickly turned off his music and put me on his lap.

"omg rosy whats wrong what happened to you" he asked.

"d d dustins w wolf gr gowled at me s saying he w would ma mate me if i m made he more m mad" i said stuttering. he growled at that hugging me closer.

"a and i im imagined my d dad as h h him and it m made me scared" i said again and he wimpered at that.

"its ok baby girl he won't get to you ever i am here as you protector i am here i will always be here and also will this pack and your mates so don't worry" he said but i kept crying. he sighed and started to yell.

"DUSTIN FUNKING MARTINEZ COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" he yelled and in a flash dustin was here and when i looked at him he looked pissed and that made me whimper more and more hiding my self behind riley.

"look at your mate what do you see" he asked grinding his teeth together.

"my mate all s scared of m me and s sad" he stuttered

"exacly now you need to control your wolf and if he does not cool down i will tell the moongodess to remove you are rosalies mate am i clear to the both of you" he said referring to cole also. he nodded and went up to me with a sad expression on his face.

"baby i am so sorry cole says he is sorry too he said he did not mean to scare you and that he will try his best to stay calm ok" dustin said and i nodded jumping into his arms and took us to our room. when we got there he sat down on the bed and let me cool down for a while.

"ok me good now where is jaxy i have not seen him like for two hours its like 10 in the morning now" i said and i got off Dustin's lap and we went our separate ways to go find him. i went all over the palce like the kitchen the living room the backyrard and i even went to the shed and he was not there. the last place i did not look ye was the game room so i went there and when i got close to the door i heard talking and growling. i pressed my ear to the door being my nosy self so i did what i did best being nosy.

"come on baby i know you love me and not that slut" i heard a bitchy voice and i knew it was chelsea.

"no i do not love you i dont love ugly pastic dolls" i heard that sexy voice i love jaxson.

"she put a smell on you let me break it" she said and then it was silent so i entered the room to see her on his lap kissing him and him trying t get her off. i growled at this and my wolf took over just pointing a hand at her and throwing her against the wall. i gasp at this and so did jaxson.

 )a song from the vamps on the side love them)

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