chapter 19:heat and run

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OK I I am back with a new chapter I will try to make the chapters longer now and I will now right one Chester each day for each book or how many I have time for so I will make this one long as I can so enjoy. Also I deleted the authors not I always do I just out that out for you guys know and then I put up a new chapter.
Rosalie pov

      I woke up the next morning with pain all over my body and it burned like I was in an oven being cook like a turkey. I screamed really loud of the pain and my door was pushed down and in came my brother, Crystal,Frank and Riley.

"Oh gosh heat " Crystal said with her hand over her mouth

"No really I thought it was not in here"I said sarcastically nut then I scream again because of my pain.

"Ok Frank get the wet towels Crystal get blankets and grant run a cold bath" Riley said and they all nodded running off to do as they were told.

"Stupid wolf gave me this yesterday I was to be mad at my mates not begging on my knees for them " I said between screams.

"I know it hurt but we will do the best we can" Riley said and I tried my best to smile at him. Everyone came back in the room after the brought what they need to bring or doing something.

"Ok first let try the towel so I need Frank and Riley to leave now" grant said and they left. After they left Crystal stripped me down to nothing and grant put the wet towels all over my body and Crystal helped him out. Once I was covered in wet towels I felt by body cool down and I felt the heat of my body go down till it was bearable.

"Better "grant asked

"Yeah it hurts still hurts but the pain is enough for me to handle" I said and I was tried from screaming I wonder if this is how a woman feels to give birth.

"Well the twins or at back meeting and will be back around 9 at night so were are here for you till then" Crystal said and I smiled at her.

"Can I have some chocolate mint ice cream please"I said and Crystal nodded leaving the room to go get some.

"Now how does it feel to have my BFF as your mate"I asked tired but I was ok to talk a little. He gave me a shock look but then smiled.

"She is as some she so sweet and helpful she is so filled of energy and happiness I can never ask for some better mate" he said and I awwwed the best I could.

"Yeah she is awesome by she is also sensitive so watch her I don't want my best friend to get hurt"I said

"Dont worry sis I got this I love her I would never hurt her"he said and Crystal came in the room with my ice cream.

"Here you go I will get Riley to feed you I need something with grant real quick" she said and I nodded and I waited for Riley to come. After 5 minutes he came in along with Frank and he smirked at me.

"Little miss hyper now all weak"Frank said and I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.Riley fed me my Ice cream which helped my body to cool down as Frank tried to keep me from remembering an out the pain.

"Hey can you bring do kids in here I always loved kids "I said and Frank nodded leaving to go find some.after a while he came back with 5 girls three look like there were only five and the other two were milley and her brother.

"Luna are you ok"one of the kids asked and she seemed to be holding one of the boys hands.

"Yeah I am now who is this boy your holding hands with"I asked her and she blushed hiding her face in the boys shoulder.

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