chapter 17: suprise

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rosaile pov 

 i ran into the guest house crying my heart out and falling on the bed i was the room i was going to have. i did not want to do this but i could not run ethier if i did i would feel way to much pain and i would scar my wolf. i stayed in there moslty all day and it was not he funniest feeling to have it felt like i died and went to hell.

"char please come out its not good to be locked up in there" I hear my brother day but I just lay on my bed looking at the ceiling not knowing what to do.

"Come on we know what they did was not right but you know this was going to happen soon" I heard Riley say and I just growled at him.

"Fine I guess you don't want chocolate chip mint ice cream for dessert or spaghetti for dinner"I here grant say and I jump out of bed running to the door unlocking it and running to the kitchen. When I got there I saw Sofia there cooking with the ice cream on the table. I sat down all happy as I am when I chuckling grant and Riley come down the stairs sitting on either side of me while I glare at them for laughing at me. After about an 30 mins of waiting later the food is done and we are right now eating the delicious food. We finished an hour later along with my ice cream me forgetting shy I was even sad in the first place.

"See that's the smile I like to see"grant said and I giggled looking at the clock it was 5 in the afternoon wow time really flies. My wolf was howling in my head for her mates but just ignored her.

"You know my wolf can hear your wolf he is her guardian as much as I am yours he feels her pain and he hates it"Riley said and I just looked down wondering why she was sad it was her fault.

"Well sorry I am horny wolf for my mates you know that" she said and I whimpered knowing that but they knew better.

"I am going to sleep early night" I said walking up stairs to take my nap as soon as I hot the pillow I was out cold.

Rosalie dream

I was walking in a garden with so many flowers around me all sparkling in the sunlight flowers swaying side to side like they were saying hi to me. I smiled at them and kept walking till I saw a dark figure up ahead sitting on a swing. I walked up to it and stood in front of it and it was looking down. He lifted his head up but when I looked at him he looked evil and gave me this bad vibe.

"You must be Stewart's worthless daughter"he said and I growled at him.

"I am not worthless you leach" I said and yes I said leach he is a vampire. His eyes where bloody red and he was pale while with is skin sparkling in the sun.

"Now now now no need for names just here to give a massage"he said and I crossed my arms nodding.

"Your dad is coming for you and I am talking to you because I am a dream reader so right now I am in your room in your dream"he said smirking and I gulped.

"But don't worry I won't kill you your father wants to do that"he says snickering.

"Just give me the danm message and leave"I growled and he nodded.

"You father told me to tell you enjoy what you have because he is coming to get you"he said and I gulped falling to my knees.

"W why me I  was always good " I cried out and her just chuckled

"Well I don't know but I most go bye bitch" he says leaving into the light.

End of dream

I wake up screaming and look around seeing no one and I sigh of relief trying to slow my heart rate down and trying not to cry but it was so hard. I cried out hugging my knees and I felt my wolf pushing in my mind til I let her in.

"Please came out mates they can help  " she said and I just shook my head no and just stopped crying going down stairs to get a glass of milk. I sat down after pouring my milk in a cup thinking of what to do I felt so lost and there was to many things I needed to clear out of my head.

"We need our mates they will help us they will always be there for us and they can make us forget for a while" heaven said and I did not agree with her they hurt me and I needed time. I went to my room and I told heaven to drop it and told her to tell me about my powers and stuff like that.

"Well your powers came from your mom she was a pure while wolf like you but your paws and tail are not white because I just liked it so yeah. But the moongoddness knew your mom would die so she made sure you got her powers. Like I said before you have teleportation, super speed, telekinesis, laser eyes and one I did not tell you about is that you can share your emotions or read someone's emotions. Those powers are connected to your emotions so now that I activated them you need to control them. Also that dream you had was real like thought said he is working for your dad and with other vampires and rogues. They are creating an army to get you back and destroy this pack as long with other things. Your dad has a spy among our pack and it someone close to us but the moongoddness did not tell me who. All she said was to keep our eyes open and to never let our guard down. One more thing that every Luna wolf has is the ability to give there human to go in to heat when ever  " heaven said all those things but after I processed all that I growled at he for the last comment she made.

"You better not heaven I am not going back to them even in pain"I said and she laughed but then sighed.

"You said your self you want to clear your mind so what better way then to go into heat" she said and I thought about it I was mad at them and I understand that there horny around me so I guess.

"Ok go for it but how long does it last"I asked

"One week but shorter if you mate with your mates" she said and I knew there was a catch to this.

"Never mind not going to happ-" I was cut off when my body started to heat up and my Harmons were going wild in the need of one thing and one thing only ..............mating.

"To late enjoy the joy of body heat a horny wolf plus hormons and males wanting to mate you"she said and I growled at her blocking her and mind linking Riley knowing she was not going to be affected by this.

"Riley get me to my mates now my stupid wolf put me in heat" I whimpered and in a flash Riley was in my room carrying me down the stairs and out the door till we heard to growls and I knew exactly who those growls belonged to. Right in front of us were both my mates growling huskly but trying to sound fierce for Riley to put me down. I jumped out of Riley arms running to them hopping on jaxson back and they ran home.

"When we get home you are going to wish you never left angel" jaxson told me in my mind.

"And you will be going to heaven very soon" Dustin said huskly in my mind and I gulped I am in deep shit now.

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