chapter 22: one year later

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Rosalie pov
1 year later
      It's been a year since I fully mated with the twins and when my wolf mated with the twins wolves and I did not like the sat of that. My dad tries to get me back still but he fails everything's and it seems like he gave up 5 mouths ago but he did not. He said in due time he will return and will win and that scared me a little but the twins and Frank got both packs prepared for it. My brother and Crystal mated about 3 months ago but she is not pregnant. Oh and I ad a baby 7 months ago and it's a girl just like my wolf said and the twins and I love her to death. My baby was special like me because she shifted a month ago and it was cool she was fully white. Life has been good and I can not ask for anything better well if I did not have so many responsibility. I have to take care of my baby her name is Renee and I had to lead two packs as their guns till Frank finds his mate then I lead one pack. Both packs still get along fine also the rest of the pack came along with there third and some are mates from both packs. Little milley she turned 5 last May and Ryan turned 14 last month and I turn 17 last week and for each birthday we had big parties. Well right now I am in a pack meeting with the twins  discussing about my dad and what we think he will do.

"Well that note did say he will come back"I said

"Yeah and he said we can be happy for a while maybe he will attack soon" Riley said.

"Yeah maybe he will be here soon but he won't win like always"Frank said and I rolled my eyes he likes to brag these days.

"But he has not attacked for like 9 months maybe he is preparing and army or gathering help from other packs "I said

"May he so it makes sense but we don't really know that" Dustin said

"Agreed"jaxson said

"Well maybe it's true Rosalie does have a point he could be getting lot more help then he usually does " my brother said and Crystal agreed but she is still not used to speaking her mind but I don't blame her she is new to this as much as I am.

"Yeah I guess so but what do you have in mind " Frank said I gulped still getting used to this but I got this far I at least should keep going.

"We train both packs and in case have some packs that will help us I know if we were going to do this we should have done it along time ago but just in case we should do this"I said trying to stay strong.

"Well who agrees to this"jaxson said and him Frank my brother Riley Grant Axel Crystal Dustin William(Frank's third ) and I raised our hands.

"Well it's settled we will get to work right away" Dustin said and we all left well I teleported because I hate staying away from my baby. I was in the room to see my little Angel playing with milley and I smiled at this. because I did think of milley as my niece since her and Ryan got adopted by Frank a week after they band their parents and I think of Frank like my brother.

"Hey milley thanks for playing with her she seems to like you "I said

"Yeah she so cute I wove her she like a wittle bunny " milley said and I laughed

"Well go to you dad we finished our meeting  "I told her she nodded giving me a hug and running off to find Frank. I picked up Renee and sat on the rocking chair in her room feeding her until she fell sound asleep in my arms where I know she belongs. I put her in her crib and wrapping the blanket on her and I smiled down at her. She was so innocent and so cute I can't wait till she grows up she will be breaking heart as fast as the wind can blow.(lol I know that's not the right saying but oh well)

"Not if we have something to say about it"I heard two voices and by they way they made me feel I knew it was the twins.

"Yeah what ever "I said

"Well we should go eat lunch we been in that meeting since this morning" Dustin said hugging me from behind and jaxson in front of me now.

"I can't I need to go practice my powers for I can be ready to fight just in case"I said getting out of Dustins hold . They both sighed knowing they could not change my mind of not fighting. I teleported out side and trained for a decent amount of time.

5 hours later
       I was beat so I went inside and ate some left over food from lunch and went up stairs to check on my little Angel. I opened the door to see it was dark and only the moon was shinning in the room since it was now 9 at night. The figure looked at me and I could see it's face all blurry but I already knew who it was by just looking at the evil smirk on his face.

"She is so cute I remember when you were just born all innocent and not a care in the wolrd" my.....father said.

"Steven put my daughter down"I growled and so did my wolf trying to take over.

"Why can't I hold my granddaughter"he said rocking Renee back and forth smirking at her.

"Put my baby down now!!"I screamed and he smirked st me again and did tsking sounds

"Now is that any way to speak to you rather young lady" he said and I growled

"You lost that title she. You abused me when you raped me when you almost killed me when you almost killed the people I loved when you tried to keep me away from the outside world when you just saw me as a servant and not sure daughter like I am"I spat at him and his face angered doing a human growl which I was confused about and he smirked but still angry.

"Well you killed your mother the person I loved the most the person I as destined to live with till the day I died and you remained me of her so I had to do what I did and for the growl he is gone I am now a normal human well was after I removed my wolf I became a vampire" he said and I felt tears in my eyes.

"You crazy bactard that was my real dad in you the person who cared about me and you killed him "I said feeling tears stream down my face.

"Poor thing well to bad but I most go " he said and before I could say anything he was out the window with my baby in his arms. I jumped threw the window shifting midair into my wolf and running after him. I ran and ran but then all of a sudden I was shot with and arrow but I kept running needing my baby back. But after a while I felt dizzy and I slowed down to gain my self but then I fell and the last thing I saw was my baby crying and everything went black.

(Short chapter I know sorry)

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