chapter 18: a little fun

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Rosalie pov

as we entered the house i swung my self out of jaxsons arms and ran to the pack house running in but when i was running up the stairs i heard a growl and i was pinned to the wall as soon as i was at the top. i looked up to see some random guy and he started to grind on me and i moaned following his pace and he grunted. he kissed my neck and licked me while i moaned really loud but then i heard two scary growls and the guy was all of a sudden ripped off me and threw across the wall. i looked at who did it and saw both the twins and there eyes were pitch black and i whimpered knowing both Leo and Cole were out.

"guys please clam down i need the twins please i am not ready it was my stupid wolf who put me threw this i was to be mad" i said screaming as the pain went harder and i was thrashing around on the ground and i felt like i was burning alive. i heard two whimpers and then i felt two arms pick me up and ran me to a room which i knew was ours.

"baby we are going to try make the pain go away for a while but try to keep control we don't want to lose control and take you" Dustin said rubbing my arm which i was laying down right now on the bed.

(i'm backkkkk my friends lovely readers she wanted me to right this part so i am here to help her so all you Innocent people don't read till i tell you two)

Dustin kissed my lips roughly just as i needed and i wrapped my arms around his neck moaning into his mouthing making him grunt. i felt jaxson slip off my pants and my underwear fast for he could get to work. jaxson slipped his figure into my clit and started pumping me fast and i moaned loudly and he went faster and faster making me feel really good he then slipped his fingers out and inserted his tongue and i thrashed around from so much pleasure. i finally let it all out and i cummed into jaxsons mouth and he just continued doing stuff down there while Dustin was making me feel good up here. he had already taken of my shirt and bra so i was totally nude under the both of them. Dustin went from my lips down to his mark and started licking it and sucking on it and me moaning tilting my head to the side to give him better access on my neck. he then went down my neck to my shoulder all the way down to my breast and sucking on the right one while licking all around my nipple. he then did the same to my left one and they both went fast on what they were doing and after they switched places and did the same the other one was doing. i was in pure heaven and if i had to die now i would  not mind. the pain in my body had gone already and i was just in pure bliss. finally after 30mins of the greatest feeling they stopped painting and laying next to me but it was my turn now.

"my turn who should i do first" i said and i gave them an evil smile which they growled at. i laughed and i went to jaxson first going to his manhood and i started to pump him slowly making him grunt and he threw his head back closing his eyes. I then took him in me licking his tip and sucked him bobbing my head at a fast paced making him grab my hair and h was cursing.

"fuck rosy fuck!!" he moaned out and i smirked. after a while of doing that he cummed into my mouth and i drank it all up and i went to kissing his chest and licking all over his abs making him shiver under my touch. i then went up to his lips and kissed him but pulled off him and went to Dustin doing the same thing i did to jaxson and we did the same thing he did but tried not to curse so much but failed miserably. i finally got tired and i layed next to the boys right between them.

(ok all you Innocent people may read now i will be gone now peace out and vote for my friends book and comment saying if you like it or not or what you think she should do next)

they layed right next to me breathing hard like i was wrapping there arms around my waist and i snuggled up to Dustin's chest while he kissed my forehead and so jaxson kissed the back of my head.

"we love yo angel" they both said and i smiled" i love you guys to thank you for helping me with my um problem" i said and they chuckled nodding. we layed there for a while talking and they made rules for me and there were ten of them.

1. don't ever leave this room till my heat is gone

2. i can not talk to any boy except my brother Riley and Sofia

3. if i ever feel way to much pain i have to mind mink them

4. make sure to always stay clam not thinking dirty stuff or i will get more pain no matter what but nothing to hot or it will make the pain more worse

6. if any guys come touches me to call them or Riley or my brother

7. run a cold bath if i am too hot

8. if i am too cold have ten blankets on me

9. don't get out of bed for nothing only to go to the bathroom or to change

and last but not least its the same like the first one don't leave this room.i just nodded but i think some of them were just to much so i will something about them later. i remembered we have bot been going to school for a while and i asked them about it. they said it was a werewolf school so they canceled it until this war thing was over and made sure everyone stayed in the pack house at all times or if they were going out to take someone with them. after our talk i started getting really tired so i fell asleep having a happy dream about rainbows and ponies.(lol)

(i hope you are liking my book so far and there is no song for a while or pic)

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