chapter 4: i wish

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Rosalie pov

Jk I am just a normal wolf not a magical one but I did fall bleeding. I ran out of there and to the bathroom and clean my nose. When I was done I walked out when school was already done but before I got out of school the twins came up to me with smirks on there face.

"Hey baby" jaxson said but when he saw my nose he growled.

"Who did this!!!" He said and when Dustin saw it he growled too.

"N no one I bumped into a wall"I said and my wolf laughed.

"What so funny "I asked her.

"Oh nothing just that I can talk to both there wolves  " she snickered

"and you told them didnt you"i asked she said yes and  growled at her but i did it out loud.

"did you just growl at us?"asked jaxson and i was kinda scared becuase i know now that jaxson  has a hard time controling wolfy.

"n no i ment to growl at heaven my wolf"i said but to late i was pushed against a wall.

"well control it or i will punish you" he whispered in my ear and nibbled on it. i whimpered and i looked at dustin.

"jax your scaring her let her go!!" yelled dustin and pulled him off me. i ran into dustins arms and he hugged me whle i cried becuase i had a flash back to when i lost my vard to my.......father. i cried harder remembering it but then i heard a whinper from behind me and when i looked it wa jaxson with sad eyes.

"baby i am so sorry its just leo my wolf does not like disrespct so he took over but i have it now" he said tring to touch me but i was still to scared.

"dont touch me please leave me alone" i said sobbing into dustins shirt he lifted me up into his arms bridal style and i felt like i was being passed into someones arms and when i felt sparks i new it was jaxson.

"no no no let me go " i sobbed smashing my fist into his chest but he just hold me tightly.we walked to an emty class room and we sat down me still in jaxsons arms and dustin next to us.

"baby i am sorry ok i did not mean to scare you i just could not control him he says he is really sorry and not even heaven is talking to him right now. " jaxson said and i could not take it anymore.

"riley riley please come get me away from my mates i am scared please" i cried into the mind link i have with him.

"i am on my way ok dont worry" he said and after a couple mins he was here so i jumped out of jaxsons lap and jumped into rileys arms. i heard two growls and that made me more scared and i just tightened m grip on him.

"what did you two do the poor girl she is shaking and she is crying non stop"riley growled and the twins both sumited because protecters or a gardian for a luna was sent from the moongodess so they have more power then an alpha.

"she growled at her wolf but it came out loud not in her head so mr dummy here could not control his wolf and leo got out and scared her but he did say sorry and she still i really scared of him like he raped her or something" said dustin and i nodded but i told riley why i was scared.

"do you want me to tell them?" riley asked and i modded not having the strength in me to talk.

"but dont tell thm it was my dad" i told him in his mind he nodded and began to talk.

"ok well she is scared of you becuase she was raped when she was 13 and when she feels threatened in a sexy way or a way she does not like her mind imagins that person and think you are that person so for now she is scared." riley told them and they both growled but then jaxson whimpered.

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