chapter 2: mates

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They kept smirking at me while jaxson went behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck that made me  tensed up.

"Relax" he said and kissed my neck making heaven purr while a smirking dustin came near me and he stood right in front of me.

"What you name mate" Dustin asked while jaxson kissed my neck.

"My my n n name I is is ro ro Rosalie"I stuttered and I bit my lip when jaxson found my sweet spot.

"Jax you found it" Dustin said and I felt jaxson smirk against my neck and sucked on that spot till I moaned and so did heaven and that made both him and dustin grunt. Dustin held me by my cheeks and he crashed his lips on mine and fireworks exploded and I kissed back raping my arms around his neck. We kissed with so much passion and then he asked me for an entrance but before I could open up jaxson pulled my of him.he spun me around kissing me and I kissed him back while Dustin growled. He calmed down then just started to kiss my neck while jaxson kissed me. After a while I broke the kiss from jaxson and me and him were breathing hard and dustin stopped kissing my neck but he rapped his arms around my waist.

"Guy I need to go home my dad will start worrying"I said and dustin arms tighten around me but then I realized what happened and I pushed dustin away and went to the door unlocking it and about to open it when I felt arms around me pulling me back and pinned me to the door while locking it.

"Dont run from us without saying goodbye"dustin whispered in my ear then he kissed me on the lips and handed me to jaxson who DiD the same.

"Guys I am sorry but can't have you guys as mates I move a lot and my dad would kill me so I Rosalie Smith reject both ja-"I was saying but both of them growled and so did heaven.

"No you are not rejecting us got it" said Dustin and I was pinned to the wall arms above my head one dustin was holding an the other jaxson was with both of then in front of me.

"But but why I am ugly w why d do y y you w want m m me"I said and started to cry. I felt four arms rap around my and I sobbed harder.

"You are beautiful"they both said in sync and that made me smile. We all got out of the janitors closet and after talking about this I went home. And when I got there my dad was there pacing back and forth and when he saw me he came up to me and hugged me.

"Baby girl where have you been I have been worried and as soon as I give Stewart control he will beat you"daddy wolf said with so much hurt in his eyes.

"Daddy wolf it is ok I can deal with the pain I am used to it now also I need to tell you something" I said and he nodded.

"Dad I found my mates there both alphas"I said he smiled at me and he looked really happy.

"Sweetheart that's great that means you can move in with them for you can get away from him " Allen said and I frowned.

"But daddy I don't want to lose you "I said and I started to cry. Daddy wolf hugged me and told me to go pack and I did.

"Ok so tomorrow ask then and you come here get your stuff and leave ok"he said and I nodded he was having trouble keeping control and Stewart won.

"Where the he k were u!! " he screamed and slapped me and I fell to the floor and he punched me and kicked me till I was bleeding.

"Get out of my sight"he said and I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next morning with so much pain for my body but heavenly some of the pain for me so it was bearable till she healed me completely. So I got dressed and finished packing and left to school meeting Crystal at the front door so we walked to my locker and talked for a while. While we were talking dustin and jaxson waved me over to an empty class room.

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