chapter 12: got it and get it

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Rosalie pov

i growled at both my mate mad really mad not seeing red needing blood red but needing to go chill and be alone.

"riley grant anf drank follow my scent and come fnd me please" i said and they all said yes. ten minutes later they found us anf growled at my mates with me still in jaxsons grip.

"ley my little sister go now!!" grant screamed ay the twins but the growled back at him and i riley took control knowing her was the only one who could make them listen.

"drop her now or i will not have a problem with stirpping her as your guys mate!!" Riley growled and so did jaxson but he did what he was told i ran next to riley and grant and licked both their cheeks. then i went to frank and licked his cheek and he purred i dont like him i just think of him like a brother and he thought of me like a sister and he licked me back and i rubbed against him hearing two growls who i growled back at.

"leave her alone till she is ready to talk to you two again or else" riley said and i nodded running off with frank by my side leaving the twins with riley and grant which i think will not go good. me and Frank ran till we got to an opening in the trees and it was amazing. it was a fielid of folwers and in the middle their was a rock so me and Frank went to it. we layed there side by side my head laying on his neck and his on mine.

"franky do you think my mates hate me right now" i asked him

"no they love you they should not they should understand you need you space and that you are your own person not a little girl that needs to be taken care of." he said liking my fur trying to calm me down because i was now crying and i felt terrible. frank kept licking my fur and saying soothing words into my ear till i stoped crying but in a brotherly way.

"thanks franky i love you bro" i said to him

"love you too sis" he said and you might think since we did not seen each other for years but hey he still loves me and i still love him forever and alway. we stayed their for a while just talking.

Dustins pov

me and jaxson went back to the pack house to our room locking the door and we were pissed off at our mate for doing that to us. yeah she might have a point of needing space or that she is not a baby or we had no right to get mad at her like that or wow we were bad. i just noticed that and i think so did jaxson we both loked at each other and when we did we both looked really worried.

"dude what did we do we messed up big time" i said and jaxson nodded

" we pushed her way to far we are her mates not her fathers we are to love her but not act like we rule her" he said and i nodded sighing.

"what do you think we should do she is really mad at us right now" i said and our wolves growled at us

"shut up you to its mainly your guys fualt!!" me and jaxson screamed at them and the whimpered hiding in our minds.

"oh i have n idea how about we take her out like for dinner buy her a promise ring but we do it at a pack resturant no humans." he said and i nodded and we got to work on it

Two hours later

we got home after all the palnning and when we got back we saw our angel on the couch with her brother and he was still mad at us so her pulled her out of the room taking her to the kitchen making us whimper.

"dude i miss her we screwed up that bad" jaxson said and dropped on the couch crying but silently. i sat next to him crying too and so were our wolves we decided go back to our own rooms since we knew she would not want to sleep with us and fell sleep still crying.

crystals pov

i walked into the living room and sat there thinking about my mate the one and only Rosalie brother grant. i wanted to tell him i was his mate but  would have to go with him and i like my pack i dont want to leave them they mean so much to me. i cried not caring that my gaurd was down just crying my heart out.

"don't cry crisy just tell him it will be ok" my wolf lina said to me but i just shook my head.

"no i can't do that i need my pack i need him to but i dont want to leave my family" i told her

"no we need him now so please tell him his wolf does not even know i really want to tell him but you need to tel him please i need to talk to his wolf and i need their touch please" she begged me and i finally gave up i wiped my tears and i went to my room to get ready to tell him. i put my gaurd back up for now and i went to get ready. i put on my red dress with my black jacket and my red pumps that had a 4 inch heel. i then curled my hair and put a bow on the side f my hair going to my mirror to do some make up. i put it on and i went to his room following his scent. i waited in his room looking at it and by the way he is in our pack house since we wanted to be near rosy. i wait and wait till i felt the door open and i stood up.

"hello beta grant i am sorry to be in your room but i need to tell you something" i said with my head down.

"no problem crystal and call me grant ok tell me what cam i do for you" he said and i look up at him.

"well i have my guard up so i am going to put it down now but dont get mad at me please i just as not ready yet but no i am ok" i said he looked cunfused but nodded. i put my wall down slowly and as soon as i did i told him to sniff the air and he did. his eyes turned a little dark and he whispered something from his lips.

"mate" he said and pulling me to him kissing me.

(one of my favorite songs of the vamps on the side and for now on their will only be songs till further notice)

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