chapter 16: training

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Rosalie pov

Well let's start with I lost after like 3 hours the found me in the kitchen and right now I am in the room with them both smirking at me leaning against the wall. I gulped when I tried to teleport heaven so not going to happen.  I backed up the the head board hiding under the covers seeing if they would go away and they did not.

"Now Angel that was an evil game don't you think" I heard jaxson say and I nodded.

"Plus we are never playing that again "Dustin said and heaven yelped with agreement and I growled at her stupid wolf.

"Now your are ours til 12 and right now it's 4 in the afternoon all the pack went to the beach with Frank's pack so no one will here you scream" Dustin said and I gulp I am in deep shit now.

"O ok I Wil g go make y you guys hot lunch"I said hopping off the bed running to the door but before I could grab the handle I was pinned down to it my back against it and me facing Dustin.

"Nope you are our slave yes but not for cleaning or cooking" he said then went to kissing my neck going up and down my collarbone and went up to my ear.

"Our little pleasure girl we will make you feel good but really slow till you beg for us and plead" he said and I looked at jaxson to see him across the room arms crossed smirking at me. I gulped once again while heaven jumped with joy. Dustin took me off the door and to the bed laying me there and I layed there as still as a rock. Jaxson came up to me and kissed me on the lips but I did not kiss back twisting my head to the side to see a smirking dustin like right in front of my face. He kissed me and held my face in place while I felt jaxson go down to my pants and rubbed me very slowly. i moaned into dustin mouth and i could feel jaxson smirk into my thigh. i snapped out of it and i felt mad they been doing this on purpose to get me all worked up to mate with then. i stopped kissing dustin and told heaven to let me teleport or i would never talked her again she wimpered but did it. i telepoeted myself behind jaxson and with them giving me a confused look but i just growled at them teleporting my self outside.i shifted into my wolf and growled again and i looked up to our window and saw dutin and jaxson there and i growled more taking off running into the woods as fast as i could which was pretty fast. i ran and ran till i came to he cliffed i was last time and stopped their pacing back and forth.

"what the heck rosile what is your problem" she yelled at me and i grolwed at her.

"you knew they were doing that you knew but you being the horny wolf you are did not think of it and almost gave my self to them!!" i screamed at her and she wimpered knowing what she did and i was pissed and i knew it was time to teach them who was boss. i know i was chosen to take of my kind with them by my side but if they think they could take advantage of me like that they are so wrong. i had a plan for when i needed to do things like this could happen i have plans for everything and i knew i was taking with me. i will return after a while as soon as i know they will not pull that ever again.

"riley pack my things in my room and meet me at the boarder and grant meet me their two with your stuff also same with you riley" i mindlinked both riley and my brother.

"why sis what is the matter" my brother alsked worried.

"lets just say this is to punish the twins" i said and he said ok same wtih riley. i teleported to the boarder and wait for riley and grant.

"what are you doing as soon as we cross we will feel pain" heaven said and i just growled at her and blocked her already knowing that but i could handle it. finally the boys got here and gave me a worried look asking me to expain.

"i am leaving and i knew you to would come with me i won't be gone for a long time so bro don't worry you can still stay beta. but the twina did something and i need to leave for a while for they know what they did wrong." i said they nodded and threw the bags over the boarder. they were about to step over but someone stop them.

"grant grant!!" scream a voice i knew way to well.when we loooked behind us Crystal was there with her stuff and i smiled looking at grant and i knew they were mates at the way he looked at her. when she got to us sofia and grant crossed the boarder together and then riley i took a deep breath and looked behind me i first shifted behind a tree and came out as my human self for when i was week riley could carry me. i looked beind me once last time and saw the twin in wolf form running towards me stupid wolf. i crossed the boarder feels so much pain and when i looked at the twins so were they but they got up so fast trying to go after me but it was too much. riley picked me up and ran for it and i felt tears streaming down my face and i could not do it i could not.

"guys t t turn a around i i can't it h hurts p put m me next to them" i tried saying and riley nodded and grant looked at me worried but i did a little smile at him. riley layed me down next to the twins and i cruled up between both of them and they wrapped their arms around me. we stayed like that for a while i was still mad at them so i mind linked riley to get on of the guest houses ready for us and e nodded and they left. after like 20 mins i got up with the twins and the looked at me with pain and regret.

"baby we are so sorry we did not mean to do that we we" dustin was saying but he could not come up with a good exusce so i just walked off and i heard them whimper. i turned back around and did something that barly any female does to theor mates but i was not them.

"you guys touch is umtouchable" i said which means they could not touch me or be to close to me or they would get shocked. the whined and fell to the floor. i just turned away not wanting to fall to fast so i ran and ran to the guest house hiding my scent.

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