chapter 10: we meet again

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Rosalie pov

i woke this morning really excited to see my brother today and i was going to look really good for him and have a big lunch for them. i tried to get out of bed but the twins kept me down (FWI MY ERIOD LEFT EARLY DONT KNOW WHY JUST DID) i tried and tried but they would keep tightening on me till i grew an idea. 

"ahhhhhhhh help!!!" i screamed and both of the shot up flling off the bed and me laughing my head off. they both looked around but when they saw a laughing me on the bed they looked at my playfully mad.

"angel that was nice now was it" Dustin said and i just shook my head still laughung my head off like a crazy manic. i stopped laguhing and got dressed right there and dsripd slowly and i heard two growls but i jut ignore them and got dressed. after i finished i went down stairs seeing the pack getting ready for the others pack arrival. i got a couple hi luna and good mornings whish i said back to with a smile but i was looking for ryan and Milley. i found ryan playing with the boys football and i called him over and went to go find his sister. we found her with the other little girls palying with dolls and she was giggling happily. i picked her up and we walked to the living room and we sat their.

"ok guys i need you two stay by me at all time my brothers pack is coming over and your parents are in their so i dont want them to hurt you guys so stay near me ok" i said and they both nodded

"one more thing i am your mom when you parents are around ok for they know not to mess with you and the alphas are you dads ok always stay near them too if you get lost or if you lose them stay near axel riley or crystal ok" i said once again and they nodded. i told them to go back to where they were at and when the pack warriors said they were here to come find me right away. i told the twins everything also about tryan and Milley and agreed to my plan so did riley axel and crystal. after an hour of getting everything ready the pack house was already for them and lunch was ready and it was already 1 in the afternoon.

"everyone great job you may go rest til they arive" i said to everyone threw the mindlink and they all went to get some rest. i went out side with the pack warriors and waited at the terroirty end line. we all waited their me pacing back and fortha and the them telling me to chill. we waited for at least another hour til they finally arrived and i smelled the smell i missed since i left. it was my brothers he smells like a pine tree with a mix of mint. i saw him get out of one of the many vans and when i did i ran up to him and he ran to me.

"granty bear!!" i screamed jumping into his arms rapping my legs around his waist.

"hey rosy poo" he said hugging me really tight and spun me around. after a while he let me go putting me on the ground and when i looked behind my pack was their and ryan, milley, the twins, Axel and Riley came up to me.

"granty this is my protetor riley" i said pointing to him and he bowed at my brother becuase he was now beta of mt old pack."this is axel our beta and third since we really have not found our third yet." axel and him shook hands."then these are my adopted kids but i feel like there mine ryan who is 13 and Milley who is 3" i said and ryan shoock his hand while i picked up MIlley and she hid her head in my neck whispering  small hi."last but not least this is my pack" i said and everyone said hi and my old pack said hi back well 1 out 4 of my old pack did.

"well i dont kno if you remember you old alpha but here he is frank" Grant said and he came out of the van and smirked my way. Frank was only 13 when he took over the pack becuase his parents died and he was an only child.

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