chapter 6: so close yet so far

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We bolted as soon as our wolves told us where are mate was we ran put of the door, in to the woods and shifting mid air in to our wolves. Well your probably wondering how we look like well let me tell you how the sexy twins look like in wolf. Ok my wolf is black as night same with Dustin wolf but the different is that my wolf's paws are a dark red same with the tip of my tail. Dustin has a dark orange paws and the tip of his tail is too. One last thing is that we both have a hole moon on the side of our right ear that glows with power showing that we are alphas well back to what we were doing. We kept running till we got to the end of our land seeing our mate breathing there about to cross the line. I jumped her before she had the chance to even set a paw on the land. i growled at her and she whimpered.

"stupid your scaring her get off her and we will ead her home you both of us on ethier side ok?" dustin said threw the min link i sighed and i got off her and dustin signalled with his head for her to follow us and she did whimpering. we walked side by side back to the pack house and we let her change in the room first. oh i never told you how her wolf looked like well let me tell you silly me i am very forget full. ok Rosalie wolf is pure while as snow ad her paws are a light gray with specks or sparkle on them. then her tip of her tail is also grey with specks of sparkles. one more thing is behind her right ear she was a alf moon that glows which means she is a luna. ok well back to what we are doing she finished changeing and me and dustin went in to change . when we were done we saw her talking to riley so we just listened in.

" you know that was not smart of you thwy always will go after you they are your mates" riley says and we hear Rosaile growl.

"i know but if heaven would have kept her mouth shut i could of made it" she said sounding angry and that made both my wolf and dustins wolf whimper.

" why do you want to leave them the love you?" he said and we heard he let out a big breath.

"i can't stay with them my dad will come after me and try to get me and he works woth people who can kill a pack in matters of seconds." she said and our wolves growled. we got out of where we were hiding and we were still mad that she ran and that she did not trust us to protect her.

"angel we need to talk please come up stairs with us" i said and she hid behind riley.

"i can't help you with this you need to talk to them" riley said and she glared at him bolting up the stairs.

Rosalie pov

when i entered to the room i went in the closet and hid there. i heard foot steps and a door closing so slow it scared me.

"angel we know you are in the closet come out" jaxson said and he seemed mad. i got out and closed the closet door leaning againt it.

"rosaile rita smith what were you thinking you could have put your self in danger with the rogues out there and we promised you dad to keep you safe but we can't do that if you run!!" jaxson yelled and i wimpered.

"i i can do as i wish i i and i wanted to leave." i whispered and they both growled both pinning my arms above my head jaxson holding my right arm dustin holding my left.

"babe we are not letting u leave you are ours and we dont like sharing and we dont lose whats ours" dustin said and jaxson started to suck on the left side of my neck while dustin just turned me to face him while jaxson was behind me.

"you are not leaving us we love you way to much to let you go please don't ever do that again ok?" jaxson said and i nodded. he went back to kissing my neck and i bit my lip when he found my sweet spot.

"jax you found it" dustin said smirking at me while i glared at him and jaxson sucked which made me moan.

"g guys i i thought y y you were going to punish me f f from r r runing" i stuttered because jaxson was rubbing my inner thigh.

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