chapter 3: busted

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rosaile pov 

he expained everything to me saying things like he can here my thoughts and when he wants he can see what i am seeing threw my eyes and we can mind link even if i am not in the pack yet. one more thing what i wish was not true is that like my mates he can feel my pain but it would be the same exact pain. after our talk we went to lunch and when crystal saw me she started to cry and got mad too while axels eyes fogged up meaning he was talking to someone threw the mind link.

"omg rosy what happened to you" she asked me taking me to the bathroom and locking the door taking out the first aid kit fro the bathroom cabinet and some concealer.

" nothing i just fell down the stairs i am fine" i said she did not belive me and her eyes fogged up and i new she was asking riley what happened.

"those bitches i am going to beat them to the pulps the next time i see them" she said but i told her to drop it and she did. crystal cleaned all my blood and all my bruises and when she ws done she put concealer on my arms and legs to cover them up. afte she wa done i look brand new but when i lifted up my shirt i saw bruise and it was really big and was disgusting. she once again cleaned it up but did not add concealer since my sgirt was covering it. after we were done we walked out of the bathroom where the twins were there. so when the saw me they took me and crystal to an empty class room where riley and axel were. i glared at axel knowing he told them and he just smiled at me jerk. when we made sure the door was locked and the blinds were close jaxson put me on his lap and i pouted while crossing my arms. dustin looked sad but he sat next to jaxson and he started to rub my thigh that made the pain in my leg go away and made me moan a little and only dustin and jaxson could here it.

"ok angel what exacly happened" dustin asked looking at me with a small smile.

"well i fell doen the stairs and thats about it" i said said and riley gave me a stern look.

"tell them" riley said then in my head he said or i will.i gulped and i shook my head no and he told them which i wanted him to do. after he finished jaxson passed me to dustin but i just got off his lap and i walked to sat on the teachers desk that was there. 

"guys i am ok i dont have any bad one really they were all tiny brusies" i said but i least they could not see th one on my stomach which was the badest one there.

"pull you shirt up now let us see it" riley said but i shook my head.

"guys under her shirt i dont think you will like what is under there. they said and the twins both looked at me which i made a run to the door and unlocked it but before i could run out i saw dustin who picked me up and placed me on his lap keeping me steady. i tried to get out of his grasp for they would not do it becuase not only was a brusie there but something more..... a scar saying slut on it.

"riley please stop them that cant look i have somthing else there them a bruise there please" i said and i started to cry knowing once they saw it they would think i was a slut and leave me.

"it cant be that bad dont worry they wont do anything like that" he siad and i was still crying and jaxson lifted up my shirt and when he saw  it he growled and when dusin saw it he did too.

"guys please i am not one i promise please please" i said now sobbing on to dustins shirt and he rubbed my back lifting up my chin.

"we would never think of yo like that never you are out gorgous mate" dustin said and that made me smile and e passed me to jaxson who placed me onto his lap.

"yeah babygirl we lov you but who ever put that there we will kill them and they will die" he growled and pecked mu nose. i nodded then snuggled into him but then the bell rang forcing us all to go to our next class. we all went are seprate way but the twins wanted to walk me to my next class which i did not argue with becuase i decided to accept them. while walking chelsea and lucy came from around the conner and when they saw the twins they ran to them and kissed them. my wolf got mad but i di not let her take control.

"get off!!" but the twins screamed and pushed them to the floor which made me smirk.

"baby what the heck" chelsea yelled

yeah whats the matter with you two" lucy said

"we have a mate so back off us and never hit our mate again" jaxson said losing his temper so i went up to him rubbing his cheek and he cooled down but then i heard a growl from behind me and i ran behind jaxson so he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"what the fuck this bitch is not your guys mate we are you guys are ours" lucy said and my wolf got more mad but i just stayed quite.

"no we are not we are hers and she is ours we would never love sluts lke you two in our whole lives" dustin said ad i smiled at that and hugged him. they both got mad and stomped off but ot before glaring at me.

" well that was interesting" i said and they chuckled walking me to my class and before i left they both kissed me. my class passed by fast and i went to gym and sat with crystal.

" het girly" she said

"hey" i said then the teacher walked in and he said the girls were playing volly ball while the boys played football outside and the girls inside. after 20 mins of setting up we got teamed up and i was going against the sluts. i servered for my team and that was how the game began we played for a while till lucy spike the ball and since i was in the front i go hit with the ball right on the face and i fell. i hold my nose and when i looked at my hand i was bleeding and my wolf got pissed and so did i.

"bitch you are going to pay for that" i said and i felt my hands heating up and when i looked at them they were glowing and heaven told we to face my palms up and fire formed in my hands and i smirked oh this is going to be fun.

pic of crystal on the side

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