chapter 9: here again

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Rosalie pov

    I waited on the bed thinking of what the twins would say well I hope they take it good I want to see my brother again I need him. The twins finally came home and with all my things.

"Thank you boys "I said kissing their cheeks and eating my ice cream putting on the vamps CD first sitting on the bed crossed legged till I remembered what I had to tell them.

"Um guys one the pack knows I am Luna now " I said and they seemed shocked.

"How did they find out" Dustin asked.

"Well I called them all to the meeting room and made sure they new who was Luna not those sluts" I growled the last part.

"But the reason I called them there I invited a pack to our territory"I said and his under the covers.

"Why"jaxson growled I growled back at right him straddling his waist.

"One don't growl at a girl with her period or things will get ugly"I whispered in his ear nibbling on it.

"Two my brother is in that pack and I miss him "I said getting off jaxson sitting on Dustin lap.

"Oh ok baby but next time tell us before you plan something ok" Dustin said and I nodded looking at jaxson who still looked mad so I smirked mind linking Dustin.

"Lets play a little game shall we" I asked him and he nodded I started kissing his neck and I sucked on his sweet spot hearing him growl tightening his grip on my hips.

"Play it cool just til Jax snaps" I said and i kissed his lips making him grunt. I ran my hands up and down his chest then under his shirt.  I traced his abs while he put his hands under my shirt and took it off.

(This part gets steamy so for all the innocent people wait till it say you can read again also I am going to make her not have her period for this little part don't ask me how it is gone but it will be or sorry I forgot she had her period so yeah sorry I just added this so continue)

We parted our lips and I took off his shirt then kissed again hearing a growl from behind me.

"Its on you babe if you get punished" Dustin said and I bit his bottom lip and he yelped but went down kissing down my neck. He put his hands where the clip of my bra was and clipped it off throwing it across he room. We heard another growl and I was turned around and lips smashed against mine roughly forcing their tongue in to my mouth while Dustin went behind me rubbing both my breasts and whispering into my ear.

"I am joining him now" he said and I grunted hearing both of them chuckle jaxson kissed down to his mark and sucked on it while a smirking dustin went down to my pants and slipped them off along with my panties.

"Now we never truly punished you for running away" Dustin said and I moaned feeling him rubbing my clit in slow circle motions. He put one finger in but not moving it.

"So baby here is your punishment til you beg us "jaxson said rubbing one off my boobs and FWI I am on my back Dustin down by my clit and jaxson beside me. Jaxson also sucked on his mark and his other hand held him self up.

"Baby beg me to move beg"Dustin said rubbing my inner thigh with his finger in me mAking me growl at him and I then whimpered.

"Baby just beg and we will make you feel so good just a little beg that's all"jaxson whispered in my ear nibbling on it and I growled then smirked.

"Not happening "I said and jaxson sucked on his mark again making me moan as Dustin rubbed my inner thigh faster.

"Heaven talk to Cole and Leo please I am so close to giving up please"I said whimpering when I felt Dustin sliding his finger out.

(This is heaven short pov)

"Leo Cole you their"I said to them and they let me in.

"Yes Angel" they said smirking.not for long.

"Did you guys forget I never mated with you guys yet in wolf form" I said sexually.

"Fuck babe how many times Wil you guys win it is so not fair" Leo said and Cole growled and I giggled

"Down let's enjoy"I said to Rosalie.

(Back to Rosalie)

After she was done talking to the twins wolves their eyes forged up and when they were done they growled.

"Oh baby you will soon run out of ideas and when you do your punishment will be so bad you won't be able to walk"jaxson whispered in my ear and I felt Dustin figure plunge into me and it be pumped me really fast while jaxson kissed me. After a while I cummed on Dustin figures he picked them and jaxson took his turn.

"Baby you know you will want us very soon and we Wil go very slow" Dustin said in my ear kissing down to his mark. I gulped and looked at him and he was smirking. When I looked at jaxson so was he and I was said little scared of that.

"O ok " I stuttered out and I rolled over.

(Ok all you innocent people may read now )

I lied down on the bed covering up my body and cuddled up to my mates I felt so safe near them and I always wanted to stay in there arms. I felt like I could do anything when I have them and I felt special not like when I was with my dad I felt like I finally had she purpose in life not my dad's punching bag anymore. I felt loved I felt like I ment something to someone and I hope I could feel like this forever and ever til the day I die.

"I love you guys so much I hope you guys know that"I told them both and they kissed my head.

"We love you two princesses"they said and we all fell a sleep in each other's arms.

(Pic of Riley on the side)

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