chapter 21: punished *insert evil laugh *

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Rosalie pov
    Me and the girls finished our food and decorations and we were laughing our heads off because us with mates were getting our mates go crazy we were dieing of laughter. We had like 30 big tables of food the whole clearing looks bright and beautiful and their were games for the kids in the middle.

"Ok girls let me call all the boys and act like we were always here"I said to everyone and they all nodded.

"Hey boys " I said mind linking my mates first 3....2...1...


"At the clearing stupid we were always there "I said trying so hard not to laugh.

"We checked there but your not!!!!" Dustin said and he was trying not to scream.....Well total fail

"Check again one more time"I said and in 5 min all us girls were surrounded by the boys from both packs. I saw boys running to their mates and hugging and kissing them senseless and kids hugging and not letting go. I laughed because boys worry to much and they need to take a chill pill. I was laughing when I felt arms wrapped around me and lips kissing my neck. By the sparks that made me feel safe and peaceful I knew it was Dustin so I threw my head back and then felt hands on my neck and lips crash on mine. Now by the sparks that made me feel wild and dangerous I knew it was jaxson so I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. After a while he pull away and I was spun around to kiss Dustin and he lips went wild on mine and I moaned. We broke apart and I was breathing hard and I learned on his chest.

"Gosh you will be the death of us" Dustin said

"Yeah and this will not go unpunished missy" jaxson said.I just smiled

"Ok baby I missed you I really did "I said hugging both of them and taking in their delicious scents. I then took there hands and took them to one of the tables and we ate. We had a blast dancing,eating and playing with the kids. We had some people sing and even a little three year old sang and she sang twinkle little stars. We all got along fine and I loved that the packs think of each other as one and not like individuals like at the beginning it makes me smile it's like we are one happy family. Now it was 11 at night and every one was tired so we packed up and went home to get some sleep. I went to our room and I fell right on our bed and I got my iPod out putting on some music and it was the song make you beg by Chris Brown and as soon as it started the boys walked in seeing me in only my underwear and bra. Their eyes turned black of lust and they both jumped on the bed and jaxson kissed me as Dustin went to my core.

(Hello my friends lovely readers and it's all you dirty people been waiting for the.. sex scene and for all'you innocent people wait til I tell'you to read so enjoy)

Jaxsons lips on mine felt so good he put so force on my lips and I did the same to his he then asked for an entrance and I gave it to him. He slipped his tongue in to my mouth and I sucked on it and he moan and mine and his tongue danced together and I moaned this time. While jaxson was busy with my lips Dustin was kissing my stomach and was going down and down til he reached my clit and her stuck his hand in my underwear and started to rub me and I moaned Into jaxson mouth. Dustin then took them off slowly and jaxson went to kiss down my neck and down to his mark licking and sucking it. I once again moaned and jaxson took off my bra throwing where Dustin threw my underwear.

"Hey I am the only one nude"I breathed out

"We can fix that "jaxson said getting up and so did Dustin both taking off there shirts off slowly and when it was off I saw there glorious abs and then they took off the pants and boxers and we see even now.

"There you go babe" Dustin said and this time he kissed me as jaxson went down to my pussy. Dustins kisses were soft and slow and I loved them it made me feel safe. While kissing Dustin I felt something inside me like it was excitement and need and I could not control it so I knew what that was.I broke the kiss from Dustin and took a breather and started to talk.

"Guts I I'm ready"I said and both of them looked at me shocked.

"Are you sure we don't want to push you"jaxson said I just nodded both twins eyes fogged up and I knew they were mind linking.

"Ok well Dustin will go first " jaxson said and I nodded. Dustin got on top of me kissing me on the lips with so much passion and need. I kissed back with the same force and I felt his mini him poke my clit and I got shot little tensed.

"Relax he will go slow and I will help a little" jaxson whispered in my ear and started to kiss my neck and Dustin was still kissing my lips. All of a sudden Dustin went in and I hurt like I was being stabbed. I felt tears stream down my cheeks and Dustin wiped them away.

"I'm sorry but the pain will go away soon " Dustin said and it did hurt since its been a long time since my dad um yeah. Dustin stayed still and then I moaned.

"Move"I told him and he did he went in and out of me slowly and I growled mixed with a moan.

"Faster"I said and he did slamming in and out of me and I screamed really loud

"Fuck dustin"I screamed moaned.

"Fuck..... baby.....your ......tight" Dustin said

"And.....your.....big"I said coping him he went in and out of me fast and then I could not hold it any more.

"I  can't hold it any more"I said

"On three 1....2....3"he counted and me and him let out at the same time. Dustin kissed me and got off me and a smirking jaxson got on me.

"My turn" he said and I nodded. He slammed in to me and I moaned really loud and he grunted as just threw my head back. He went in and out of me fast and I screamed his name and he kept saying I was tight and yeah.

"On three baby"he said and I nodded

"1....2...3"I said and we both let it out and it was pure bliss. He kissed my lips and rolled off me and both boys wrapped there arms around me and I snuggled into Dustins chest.

(Ok I hope you enjoyed and I will give my friend control again peace people)

"I love you two"I said

"We love you too kitten" they both said and they fell asleep happy that we were fully mated.

"Finally"heaven said

"I know it felt so good"I said

"I know both their wolves are so happy and question" she said

"Cool and shoot"I said

"Can me Cole and Leo mate tomorrow at midnight please" she begged and I sighed

"Sure where at"I said

"The lake" she said and I said ok falling asleep.

Heaven pov
    Yeah I am so happy we are fully mated but tomorrow I get to mate to Leo and Cole yeah so happy.

"Chill baby "Cole laughed and I huffed

"Yeah we're excited too but not acting like she kid on suger" Leo said

"Well sorry if I want to be completely yours "I said they both awwwed

"We do to love"the both say and I smile

"Love you two"I say

"Love you too beautiful" they both say and I smile falling asleep but I get an image of a baby and I know what that means.

"Boys my human is going to be pregnant"I say

"Really" they both say excitedly

"Yes a baby....girl"I giggle and they both howl of happiness and I join in happy to.

(Sorry that it is short)

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