Act I, Chapter Twenty

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"Oh. My. God."

"Holy shit it's you!"

Belarus ran to New Zealand and wrapped her arms around her, causing the taller of the two to swing her around in circles, laughing.

"Oh my god, Belarus it's you, you're here!" New Zealand squealed as she put down Belarus with a wide smile.

Belarus rubbed her arm sheepishly. "Been a while hasn't it?"

New Zealand nodded, hooking Belarus's arm in hers and walking with her to the blue plastic seats surrounding the rink.

"We have so much catching up to do!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuh, what was that about?" America asked, watching the girls giggle and chat by the rink.

Australia rolled her eyes and whacked him lightly upside the head. "Mate. Do you seriously not remember? Kiwi and Bel were like best buds in high school but then they lost touch."

"It's weird that Bel was surprised to see her," Ukraine noted, frowning slightly as she leaned into Canada. "She usually knows that kinda stuff."

USSR shrugged, "Maybe she just knew it would be someone familiar and not specifically who it was?"


"Whatever it was, it doesn't matter now," France dismissed cheerfully as she shook Soviet and Third Reich's hands. "It's lovely to meet you both, I'm France."

Everyone then began introducing each other with simple greetings and soon settled into groups: the parents of the couple ganging up to interrogate one another about their child; Canada and Ukraine off in their own lovey dovey world; Kazakhstan and Sovi with Australia, not-so-subtly trying to convince her to skate on the ice; Germany had gone with Poland to a movie and said he would be back later, so he wasn't really involved (which annoyed his father to no end); Belarus and New Zealand were still chatting up a storm; and then that just left America and -


"That's the name," Russia chuckled, pushing some hair out of his face.

America playfully punched him in the shoulder and poked his tongue out at him, "You're totally stalking me."

"Maybe," Russia admitted, before smirking. "Or maybe you're the one stalking me."

America feigned a gasp and placed a hand over his heart as though he were deeply offended, "Why I never!"

Russia snickered and grabbed his hand, leading him to the side of the rink since everyone had collectively started to gravitate towards there without them. America didn't resist and just focused on trying not to blush from the warmth emitting from Russia's hand, despite the fact that he was wearing basically summer clothes in negative degree room.

As he pulled on his ice skates, America asked, "Russia, why are you wearing that? It's freezing!"

Russia shrugged, tying the laces of his ice skates, "I'm just used to the cold."


Once everyone had their equipment on they all slid onto the ice, some more cautious than others. Kaz and Sovi were still trying to coax Australia onto the ice - although with Sovi it was more demanding.

"C'mon, you can do it," Kazakhstan encouraged, taking Australia's left arm gently and slowly inching towards the ice. "We won't let you fall."

"We might a couple times 'cus Dad says falling helps you learn," Sovi said honestly, holding her right hand since he couldn't properly hold her arm like his half brother could.

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