Act IV, Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Oh! Nada, I wanted to tell you something but I forgot about it until now," America laughed, leaning his arms on the table.

Canada nodded, taking a sip of his maple syrup flavoured coffee and set it down gently on the table, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Well, recently," America willed himself not to take a cautious glance at Vietnam. "I've been wanting to show Vietnam Homestuck for a while now, but I'm not sure if he'll like it. What do you think?"

Canada nodded, making sure not to look too surprised as he pretended to think, "Well, I'm not sure, I'm not the one who knows him best."

America smiled, "I'm not sure I am either."

The two of them laughed as though they had said something funny, when really America just successfully confirmed his suspicions. Their small back and forth was actually just to make sure that America was talking about Vietnam being abusive, not just legitimately wanting to show him Homestuck.

Vietnam smiled and tilted his head, "What's Homestuck?"

America grinned at Canada, "It's a weird comic we found a while ago. IT's really long and takes a little while to get interesting, but it's worth it."

"It's a fantasy sort of thing," Canada added.

As Vietnam nodded thoughtfully, America turned back to Canada, "Say, Can-man. Do you think I should show Russia, Ani, Mex, and Green Homestuck as well?"

Canada nodded, a glow of understanding in his eyes, "Of course! I think they'll love it. Do you want me to tell them about it and read it with them? I know you're really busy because of your new job and everything."

Wrong. He wasn't really busy, and he didn't have a new job. Vietnam just made him use that as an excuse for why he never hangs out with his friends anymore and why he has fewer shifts at work to be at home.

But he nodded and smiled anyway, "That would be awesome, thanks Nay-Day!"

Canada chuckled and nodded at him.

"Don't worry. They'll all know about Homestuck soon enough."


"In an abusive relationship? Are you serious?"

"Isn't it obvious??" Canada insisted, using wild hand gestures to annunciate his point. "Vietnam is always with him, he never comes over to anyone's house anymore, we never see him, his grades are dropping, he doesn't text or call - he never really smiles! Did anyone else notice that??"

"I did think something was going on," Russia admitted with a sigh. "I should have done something sooner..."

"There's no time for feeling sorry for ourselves, Russia," Canada glared at him. All seven of the other countries jumped, not expecting Canada to say such forceful words.

"Well, what can we do?" Italy asked worriedly.

"We call the c-c-cops, that's what!" Mexico growled, twitching furiously as his Tourettes acted up.

Japan shook her head, "We can't. I talked to Southie, she said her brother his best friends with him."

"...and?" Mexico asked. "W-what - fuck - does that have to d-d-d-d-d-do with anyone? Thing."

Japan's expression darkened, "He's the police captain and commissioner. He'll shut down anything we say."

The countries at the table shared worried looks, all freaking out in their own special way. Canada was oddly silent, not moving at all aside from his chest rising and falling with his breath. Australia was biting her nails, seemingly looking back and forth between two spaces in the room. Japan was obsessively twisting her tail with her ears pinned to her head, while Italy beside her mumbled to herself, tapping her fingers on the wood table. Greenland and Antarctica were signing to each other, both with an unreadable expression that slowly got darker. Mexico was tearing at his hair and twitching like crazy.

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now