Act II, Chapter Thirty-Nine

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He needed a drink.

Russia had been trying to decipher some codes he found scrawled onto the pages for hours, but no matter what he did he just couldn't figure them out! And it certainly didnt help that he barely got any sleep the night before so everything in his mind was laced with a thick layer of fog that crept into his eyesight and made him have to keep rubbing his stupid eyes.

The countryhuman stretched his back, humming appreciatively when his back cracked in several places and he felt much looser. It was a shame he couldn't massage himself though, maybe he'd annoy Belarus into doing that for him.

Rolling out of bed, Russia placed the journal in a secret hiding spot wedged between one of the wooden planks on the bedframe and the mattress. He didn't know how much America had read of this book, nor if Australia even wanted him to read it so he had to take some precautions.

He stumbled down the stairs, yawning as he rubbed his eyes some more to try and get rid of that stupid fuzziness again. One cup of coffee this morning was definitely not enough.

As he neared the kitchen, Russia heard some voices wafting in through the living room. All female. One voice sounded clear as day while the others kept breaking up and distorting almost, like someone talling through an old antique radio.

He peeked into the room, surprised to find four women he didn't recognise standing there. They were being too loud to be robbers, and if he looked just left of them he could see America and Australia slumbering peacefully on the couch, barely aware of them.

"'re early."

The country smiled, "I missed ya."

"That's rich. Are you sure you didn't just sense we were causing trouble and come to annoy us?"

Tori elbowed the outspoken Native American, "Morning! She's our boss!"

"No, no, she's right," the boss chuckled, holding her hands behind her back.

Morningstar rolled her eyes and stuck out her hip, crossing her arms again, "Get to the fucking point."

"Star, language!" Tori chided like an overworked mother.

"Oh, I'm sorry -- please get to the fucking point."

"What she means boss is--"

"Oh, Abby, there's no need to call me boss!" The woman giggled, shaking her head. "Just call me by my name."

"Oh, sorry, Pangea, we just, um--"

"Miss Pangea, we need to tell you about one of the countryhumans that needs our guidance," Tori cut in without missing a beat.

"Not your guidance," muttered Morningstar.

"So I've heard. The problem is with America, correct?"

Проблема? С америкой? (Russian: A problem? With America?)

Russia began gnawing at his fingernails as he watched on in silence. What on earth was going on here?

The etheral supercontinent walked over to the sleeping America, her shirt flowing around her. As she lightly brushed some hair out of his face he stirred slightly, snoring loudly before turning over and resuming his nap. Russia chuckled under his breath at the sleeping country and Pangea chuckled too, patting him gently on the back.

"No offense Miss, but you don't seem to be taking this very seriously."

The supercontinent turned to the three of them, smiling without a care in the world, "I've seen a case like this before, so I know what to do."

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now