Act II, Chapter Twenty-Six

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They were arguing again.

It wasn't even the proper kind of arguing. It was the whisper type of arguing, the type used when you want so badly to scream your frustrations but you still need to keep quiet to avoid worrying your child.

And to keep them from asking uncomfortable questions.

"We should just be honest!"

"No, we can't tell her! We don't have all the facts yet, Torri."

"So? We all need to be trusting of each other and we can't do that without being open about everything. We should tell her-"

"Tell me what?" Australia interrupted, sighing frustratedly and crossing her arms.

Both of the countries standing in front of her looked at the other guiltily.

"I told you we should just be honest with her," Torres Strait mumbled, playing with the flowers on her flowing dress.

"Don't blame this on me," Aboriginal hissed, sitting her arms on her hips sassily.

"No one is blaming anyone, Abby," Australia rolled her eyes, raising an eyebrow.

Torres Strait walked forward, holding Australia's hands in her own as best she could without a physical form, "I'm sorry sweetheart, we would tell you if we knew everything."

"Well I already know something's happening, so why not tell me?"

"'s about your brother," Aboriginal sighed, her expression softening and her arms lowering.

"Whaddya mean? What happened?"

Aboriginal and Torres Strait sighed in unison, leading Aboriginal to turn away and Torres Strait to gently take her hand and squeeze it, offering a soft smile. Aboriginal smiled back and the two turned back to an increasingly confused Australia.

"...Australia? Do you remember how we came about?"

Australia raised an eyebrow and shifted her weight to her other leg, placing a hand on her hip like America usually did, "Of course. I used to have episodes just like Soda but then one day they just kinda stopped when you two...came..."

Australia's eyes widened and her arms fell to her sides as her guardians grimaced.

"Oh my god...Don't tell me..."

"I'm afraid," Torri began quietly, being pulled into a comforting side hug by Aboriginal. "That your brother has reached the next stage."

"B-but that's good right?" Australia stammered, laughing slightly as she held onto hope. "I mean - that means he won't have episodes anymore? A-and he'll have you two? Or something like you two??"

"Noooooooot exactly," Aboriginal sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Torri and I were a special case. We came as a pair, he will probably only have one guardian to lead him back on the right path of restoring his culture."

"And you have to understand, dear, that some guardians aren't nearly as nice as us," Torres Strait warned, tucking some hair behind her ear and squeezing Abby's hand again. "Abby and I like to support you through this because we know how difficult it can be. Some guardians tend to be a lot more..."

"...Aggressive," Aboriginal finished grimly.

Australia tightened her fists.

"Where is he right now?"

The two shared a look.

"Australia, sweetie, you can't - "

"You guys can like...sense each other right?? You can sense his person? Just tell me where he is! Is he at uni? I'll head there first!"

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