Act I, Chapter Twenty-Three

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You guys ready for some North America?

(also if anyone knows Spanish and knows I butchered some of this shit, I'm so sorry-)


"Why are you up so eeeeeaaaaaarrlyyyyy?"

"...It's one in the afternoon?"

"My point exactly," America groaned, letting his head hit the kitchen counter as he sat at the breakfast bar.

Canada chuckled and gently set a star spangled mug of coffee in front of the star spangled country. America lifted his head from his arms and smiled sleepily as he scooted the mug over to his mouth and sipped, enjoying the bitter taste of the warm brown liquid.

America smiled gratefully up at him, "Thanks Nada."

"No problem, Ame," Canada chuckled. "Oh by the way, Mex is coming over to help me with some stuff."

That got America to wake up, "Whatcha doin'? Knitting sweaters? Making Christmas cards early? Planning Halloween costumes early? Buying oil fields? Making atom bombs? Braiding each others hair? Making friendship bracelets?"

"Wait, what were those middle two?"

"Making Christmas cards and planning Halloween costumes? Ooo! A good idea for Halloween, since it's coming up, is to go as Little Red and the Wolf. Oh wait no, I think I wanna do that with Russia. You guys can be a pirate and a caught mermaid with a fish hook in the cheek - oh no that one sounds good too..."

"You should be writing this down," Canada mused, picking up an apple from the fruit bowl and biting into it."

America pointed at him with a grin, "Great plan, Moose Man."

Just as Canada opened his mouth, the doorbell echoed throughout the mansion and he jumped slightly, leaving his apple on the counter as he eagerly walked through the living room to the foyer where the double front door sat. America took a long slurp of coffee before following after his younger brother sluggishly.

"Mexico!" Canada cheered happily, embracing the shorter country in a big, warm hug. Mexico grinned and hugged back, burying his face in Canada's shoulder.

"¡Hola gran amigo!" (Spanish: Hi great friend!)

Canada stood back slightly, his arms still around Mexico as he thought about the phrase, "That means...Hi good friend...right?"

Mexico's pure white eyes sparkled as he smiled, impressed, "¡Si! (Spanish: Yes!) I thought you didn't know Spanish?"

"Oh I don't, but I wanted to learn for you," Canada explained bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"Awwwwww, Canadá - !"

"Actually it was 'great friend' but close enough," America butted in rudely before Mexico could pull Canada into another hug.

Mexico glared at him whilst Canada put his hand on his forehead in worry, "Oh my gosh, that's right! Gran is great and good is...?"

America raised an eyebrow at his younger brother as he looked to him for an answer before letting out an irritated sigh.


"Right! And good is bueno!"

America shook his head in disappointment, folding his arms, "Do you even pay attention during my lessons?"

"Lessons?" Mexico echoed, confused. "Wait, you're teaching him Spanish?"

America nodded, chuckling, "Quería que fuera una sorpresa, pero sí.  El quería impresionarte." (Spanish: He wanted it to be a surprise, but yes. He wanted to impress you.)

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now