Act I, Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You can't just tell me we're going somewhere the day before we leave!"

"I just did."

"Well - yeah - but you shouldn't!"

"Soda, chill out mate," Australia laughed, chucking a pair of red boxers at the unsuspecting country's striped face. "It's not the end of the world."

America ripped the clothing off his face and glared at her, stuffing it haphazardly into his suitcase, "It very well could be! How long are we staying for? What's the weather looking like? What season is it?"

Australia raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Did you seriously ask what season it is?"

"That is NOT the problem you should be focusing on here!"

"See, Dad? What did I tell you?" New Zealand sighed, leaning against the doorframe of America's bedroom. "You can't leave this until the last minute or he'll go nuts."

"Ah, yes, I suppose you were right again," Britain agreed quietly, sipping at the english breakfast tea in his hand.

"Jesus, Soda, it's not rocket science," Australia teased as America stared down his clothing. She could practically hear the cogs moving in his brain. "All you need is day clothes, maybe some dressy things, a jumper, pyjamas, undies, toiletries and togs-"

"Togs?! You mean we're going swimming?!?" America asked furiously, dashing over to his closet and throwing around his outfits in search of swimwear.

New Zealand chuckled tiredly and tucked some hair behind her ear, standing up straight and wandering out of the room, "I'm going to go eat, you kids have fun."

Britain perked up at that, "Oh! May I join you, dear?"


"I knew you were big on holidays and everything but this is-"

"Impressive? Amazing? Marvelous? Stupendous? Astounding?"


America pouted, crossing his arms and sliding down in his chair, "Whaddya mean?"

Russia smiled patiently at him, raising his eyebrows, "Seriously?"


"You have a binder of couples costumes for Halloween," Russia explained slowly, as if he were addressing a small child who couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that dinosaurs were extinct.


Russia rubbed his temples, closing his eyes.

"You do know we're not a couple, right?"

A slight smirk played at the corners of America's lips, "I mean we could be."

Russia playfully glared at him and flicked his arm.

The two of them had completely seperately decided to go to their local sandwich shop, both for different reasons. America had arrived around 10 minutes earlier than Russia for both food and to look over his costume ideas for Halloween, desperately wishing for a second opinion. Low and behold, Russia arrived looking for a snack and ended up getting roped up in America's shenanigans. Again.

It seemed the universe could not just chill out.

"America, no. Bad."

America bit his lip, trying to hold back a laugh as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Oh, Russia, call me a bad boy and punish me~"

A blush crept onto Russia's cheeks as he covered his face with his ushanka, glaring at America for real (but still with the hint of a smile).

"Oh I'll punish you alright," he growled huskily. "I'll make you unable to walk."

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now