(OPT. B) Chapter Fifty-Four

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Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"Hey, Meri, when is our assessment due? Call me when you can, please."

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"Heyyyyy, Meri, how do you make crepes again? I forgot. Call me back."

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"Meri, are you still asleep? It's 11 am. Don't make me come over there!"

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"America, physics is kicking my ass. I tried asking Germany but he just said "I'll be praying for you" and went on his date. I'm so confused, please call me back I need heeeeeeelp."

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"You know, I've never actually properly listened to your voicemail. Which is funny because I've heard it 20 times now. Sorry about calling you 20 times by the way. I hope you're not actually dead. If you were I would murder you, so call me back."

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"Америка, ты в порядке? Я беспокоюсь. Перезвони мне." (Russian: America, are you okay? I'm worried. Call me back.)

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"Oh gosh, I've been calling and texting you non-stop. I'm sorry. Wait, who am I kidding? You're not listening to these. I don't know what you're doing but it must be more important than talking to me."

Russia bit his lip, leaning back into the park bench, "...Call me back."

He pressed the small red phone button again, sighing. Was he being too clingy? He had been calling and texting America since he woke up - he just really started missing him for no reason. He wanted to hear his voice and although he could hear his voicemail, the repetitive words were slowly driving him crazy. Like it was a robot pretending to be his best friend.

He inhaled and looked around. He was in the park where he told America he would be his date to Britain's party. He could still remember the feeling of his shoulder pressing against his.

He rubbed his temples, god he was such weirdo. Why did he care so much about this one person? Sure, he got that he liked the guy but.

He had never had a crush this intense before.

Before he knew what he was doing, he picked up his phone and pressed on the same contact again, listening intently to the slow dial sounds.

Heyo, it's America! I didn't pick up sooooo I'm guessing I'm either dead or sleeping. Leave a message!


"...I really miss you," Russia sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stared at the grey concrete path in front of him. "I haven't seen you in person for maybe...a week? I don't know."

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now