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Andy's pov.

Yesterday was just horrible. How could I mess up so much. I am a mess up. I think I used word mess up too many times now. But lets forget yesterday, today is today and today is a new day. What is it with me a repeating words so much. Never mind I am maybe still a bit tired because I haven't sleep well at night. Me and Rye were talking most of the night, planning, well planning a strategy for today. The plan is go there at around five, watch movie or two then Rye says we should play something which results in playing truth or dare. What can go wrong with truth or dare right? 

I looked down from my bed to see Mikey on the opposite side of the room, he was in his bed and was doing something on his notebook. I guess he is looking through the comments of the video we posted yesterday. The one where we were with girls coming up with nicknames for them. My gaze then went up to Rye's bunk. He was there on his phone, probably scrolling through Instagram or something like that. I heard soft snores coming from underneath me signalling that Jack was unsurprisingly still asleep and because I can't here anyone shouting or annoyingly singing I know that Brooklyn is also asleep. I was debating with myself whether I should just get up and get ready for the day or embrace the opportunity of having a first and maybe last free day we have in a long time and staying in bed for as long as possible. Why am I even questioning myself the answer is clear. I pulled my covers up to my chin and sighed happily. Maybe I'll finally sleep normally. 

"No way!" My eyes snapped open at the sound of Mikey's voice. I looked down at him with a glare. 

"No way you just woke me up." I said trying to imitate his tone of voice. Mike looked up at me. 

"You'd be surprised what I found." He stated. I wanted to snap that I don't care but Rye was already jumping down from his bed and walking over to Mike.

"No way!" 

"Right?" Both of the boys had the wildest smiles on. I sensed movement in the bed underneath me. Guess Brook and Jack are up. I sighed and sat up. 

"What is going on?" I asked. Why are the two of them so happy? 

"You know how we posted that video with girls?" I nodded. "Well, one of our fans noticed them and recognised them as some famous cosplayers. And after that other fans joined with their comments. Some people only watched the video because of the girls, they didn't even know who we are." Mikey laughed.

"So you're saying that they are famous?" Jack's voice was heard. It sounded so tired but excited at the same time. Mikey just nodded. 

"My girlfriend is famous." Brooklyn shouted jumping out of the bed surprising me a little. I rolled my eyes and started climbing down the ladder from my bed. 

"My best friend is famous." Rye shouted joining Brooklyn in the centre of the room. Mikey put his notebook away and too stood up. 

"My crush is famous." I rolled my eyes. They looked ridiculous. 

"I'm famous." I shouted. They all stopped smiling and looked at me with serious expressions. "What?" Rye walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"I don't know how to say it gently but....No one cares." I rolled my eyes and decided to get changed. Might as well start the day when I am already on my feet.  This day will be really long. After I changed and brushed my teeth I walked back into the room, other boys were eaither already changed or were too lazy in Brook's case and stayed in his Pj. I rolled my eyes at him and went to grab my phone on my bed. There was nothing better to do so I started scrolling through my Instagram. We finally are allowed to have our own personal accounts instead of group one. I was scrolling scrolling when I found Bonnie's account. Oh, looks like she added a new photo. 

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