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Hey guys I just wanted to say sorry for not publishing anything yesterday I had a lot of work. Also I am away this weekend so again there won't be any new chapter but I'll publish something as soon as I can. Promise. Now, enjoy the story😊😊😊

Dede's pov.

Kayla and Livy had been asking Bonnie a load of questions and Bonnie was getting really irritated. We were still in the Asda, still on the place where the trolley loose control. Rye and Andy were also investigating what gave Bonnie all those bruises. To be honest I was worried for her. She used to be with a boy non of us knew and he could've been doing anything to her. When I am thinking about it these past few weeks she looked really ill. Like her head would start spinning any time at the day she would fall a lot and she had dark circles under her eyes. I'm starting to get worried. What if the girls and boys suspicions are right? What if that idiot hurt her? I started to shake thinking about that. I guess Brook notice I was about to have a panic attack and he rushed to me.

"Are you alright baby?" I was breathing heavily and I couldn't answer. He put his arms around me for comfort. "Breath love everything is fine." He whispered calmly to my ear. At first I doubt that it was going to work but his voice was so soothing that I calmed down somehow listening to it. I turned to look in his eye.

"Thanks." I breathed out and he smiled.

"Don't mention it." He said running his hand up and down my arm. "What was that about?" I sighed.

"I think I had a panic attack." I admitted.

"Now that much I could see, but why?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know I was just so worried about Bonnie. I imagined that boyfriend of hers hurting her and I just started shaking." I explained finding my focus point on the ground. He pulled me in a hug.

"Don't worry everything is find and he won't ever hurt her again. Andy will make sure of that." Brooklyn assured me and I had to laugh at the last part.

"Those two sometimes act like a couple." Brook laughed.

"I know right, they should finally get together." We high fived agreeing on that one. "Should we walk back to the group?" He asked and I nodded. We started walking to the group and I could already hear the arguing between Bonnie and Kayla.

"How can you cover for him all the time?" Kayla yelled. Bonnie was standing on her feet shakily.

"Because he didn't do anything." Bonnie yelled back but I think her head started to hurt because her hands flew up to it. I saw Andy walk up to her. He looked really worried.

"You feeling alright?" He asked softly and she nodded. Is she once again trying to be brave? I am getting lost in this whole situation. I leaned on Brook and decided not to be part of this whole argument until it gets too heated.

Andy's pov.

I could see Bonnie wasn't feeling well. Maybe it was a cause of the crash. She could've hit her head hard or something. I walked over to her to be her support. Just in case. She maybe said she was okay but I could see there was something wrong.

"He clearly did something when you have so many bruises." Livy pipped in the conversation making Bonnie growl.

"Those are not from Will." Bonnie defended her boyfriend yet again. I wanted so much to just walk away but I can't just leave her. I need to keep an eye on her. At least for now when she's not feeling well.

"Who are they from then?" Rye asked. I can't believe we are really discussing this anymore. I am certain it was him and Bonnie is just covering for him because I don't know she can be afraid of him or she loves him, which I hope not.

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