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Bonnie's pov. 

It's been a few days since I had been trying to get back on track of normal life to persuade the others that I was fine, we even celebrated Rye's birthday at the beginning of this week so I was trying to be active during that celebration to assure everyone. I am not sure it is working on everyone but Andy and Kayla seem to be satisfied enough. But then again Andy wouldn't notice because he is too occupied with something else and Kayla has a lot of things in school. However, Jack was the most sceptical of them all. He kept a close eye on me. I don't know why he doesn't believe me. He probably knows me more than others or maybe he just doesn't have anything else to do so he pays close attention to me. I mean his girlfriend is spending the majority of time with Andy. Stupid bitch. Um, what? I am not jealous, you are" Ugh, okay I am jealous. And do you blame me? I spent such a long time dreaming about the time when Andy will finally date me. And when it finally happens some random girl shows up and steals my man. Even though she is dating my other best friend. It just doesn't make sense why she spends more time with my boyfriend than with hers. Jack is a bit angry at Andy and I don't blame him. The two didn't talk for about two days now when Jack and Andy had a screaming match. There were some harsh words said and I am sure Andy isn't exactly proud of himself for that. But his own pride won't let him apologise even if he knows Jack was right. What stays a mystery is why Jack won't say anything to Rosie. I mean, if it bothers him that she spends more time with Andy then him he should confront her about it. I myself wouldn't confront Rosie. She is intimidating. Well, from my point of view anyway. I have my reasons, people. She acts all nice around the others but I know who she is. I was currently in my room minding my own business, sitting on my bed and watching Now you see me when my doors were opened harshly. My head snapped up from my laptop to be met with a fuming Andy. He was red in face and with the way his hair was stilled he looked more like a bristled cat, or more like lion considering how angry he was. That I was frightened was an understatement. He looked more intimidating than Rosie herself. 

"Um, is something wrong love?" I asked carefully not wanting to anger him some more as I paused the amazing movie and put my laptop down. Andy sighed angrily closing the door behind him as he climbed up on my bed through the little stairs I made. I yet haven't had a chance to test it but I think this bed will be really impractical when I get drunk one day and will try to climb here in the middle of the night, tipsy or in my case as everyone knows me proper drunk. But for Andy now it was easy, even if he always complains about the high he climbs up here without any serious complications, unlike me. He laid down next to me. His head fell on my shoulder instantly.  

"Jack and I were arguing again, and everyone was on his side. I don't get it, what is their deal?" Andy huffed. Um, I think they had every right to be on Jack's side. And I am sure the fight was once again about Rosie and Andy spending all their time together. Surprise, surprise.

"Andy, and don't you think that Jack has the right to be a little angry at you?" I tried to hint it to him as gently as possible, the last thing I need right now is having an argument with Andy. That would really not help my psychical site, to be fair I am on the edge for about a month so everything happening around me can geet critical. Andy lifted his head up slightly to look at me with his shining blue eyes. 

"What do you mean?"He mumbled through the fabric of my shirt. 

"I mean that you've been spending an awful amount of time with his girlfriend. Ever since she met you, you two have been doing everything together. Maybe Jack just feels that you are overtaking his girlfriend." I suggested to him my opinion not being very sure if he would appreciate it.  Andy pulled away from me and sat up straighter. 

"You mean that he is jealous? I am just being polite to a fan. She is in my lane I need to take care of her. It's part of my job." Andy defended himself with quite offended voice. I didn't really understand what he was trying to tell me like I know that Rosie is in his lane, she couldn't be more obvious about that, and that he should pay her some attention from time to time but she is Jack's girlfriend, not his. I am his girlfriend and I was supposed to watch Bohemian Rhapsody with him yesterday but he bailed on me because he went out with Rosie to show her where they were filming one of her favourite covers. It was supposed to be my night with him. I don't want to seem selfish by saying MINE but for fuck's sake, he is never with me anymore. No one is with me anymore. I am all alone most of the time. Andy and I didn't have a proper date since American tour, I am missing him. He is here but he is never with me, I feel abandoned by everyone. I would lie if I said that it wasn't bothering me. From my rambling everyone can see that I am not handling the situation well. I am not handling anything well right now but, let's just keep smiling and be supportive of other yeah? Yeah. Back to the topic. Jack and Andy fight.

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