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Hey, new chapter because I am bored!

Rye's pov. 

After all, that drama that happened between Andy and Bonnie everything has been going down the hill. And I really mean down the hill. Jack and Andy had some barrier around each other and didn't want to acknowledge one another and you know how hard it is to film a cover when two out of five boys can't stand being with each other's presence in the same room? It is frickin' hard. Even though Jack didn't openly say he hates Andy or that he is still angry at him but it just sort of radiates out of him. But then again he maybe isn't even acknowledging that. Andy, on the other hand, is scared and ashamed to even look at Jack, I don't blame the boy to be honest. Another problem, Mikey is behaving weirdly around us. He is over-emotional. I know that Mikey is the sensitive type of person but this is getting out of hand. For example, me and Brook were fighting over who should do the dishes. And Mikey just started sobbing saying he would miss this? Miss what? We are not going anywhere, are we? I didn't get the message that we will be splitting up so what is his deal? If he wasn't a guy I would think he is pregnant, to be honest. But then again Livy can be the one pregnant but Mikey is being the one emotionally unstable...okay no, Livy isn't pregnant. At least I hope, there is not a good time for that now. I was worried that he could be sick or something but nope, nothing like that no disease, no coughing, no temperature so I am really confused by that. Also, Dede and Brook had a fight. And a bad one. Dede being a loyal friend is obviously on Bonnie's side and is glaring at Andy every chance she's got. Brook got fed up with it and tried defending Andy. That started the whole fight. I was expecting Livy or Kayla to give Andy a cold shoulder but both of them are unexpectedly understanding and they are trying to help him. Another confusion. I don't understand anything anymore and it is driving me nuts. This house has turned into a complete wreck.

"Do you know when Jack is coming back?" Kayla's voice broke me from my thinking state. The two of us were in my room, we spent here almost all day every day. This became the only sane place in this house, as we call it. I wanted to play FIFA but, Kayla isn't too keen on playing. Too bad. 

"Dunno, probably in three days. Or maybe sooner, I am not sure, haven't texted him in some time." I answered Kayla's question. Jack has gone to Spain. And you guessed correctly he went there to watch after Bonnie because Harvey informed us she wasn't feeling too good. Kayla and Livy wanted to go but both of them had school and they can't just say that they are not going to school because oh, my friend is depressed oversea and I need to go talk some sense into her. That wouldn't be accepted as an apology for not attending classes. Dede and Brook started bickering back and forth about who should go so we eliminated both of them from the list just so it was fair. So the choosing was between me, Jack and Mikey. Of course, Robbie wanted to mix himself in but I personally told him to bugger off. Of course with all respect and care, I have towards my older brother. Mikey wouldn't be a good choice considering how weird he was behaving, he might even encourage Bonnie's depressive thoughts and I became something like a rock for Andy. He is not at his best at the moment and I am the one he goes to when he needs to cry on someone's shoulder or when he just needs someone with him. Yes people, Randy moments. Instagram is full of them now. So Jack went to Spain to look after our little superstar that is slowly falling apart under Harvey's watch. We can't let her lose her fans because Andy did a mistake. 

"I still think I should've gone there," Kayla mumbled flipping through the pages of her book. She is studying for a test here with me. Never thought I say words like studying and me in the same sentence. Not since I left school. Oh well. 

"Kay, you know why you couldn't. You have school and important tests this week. Don't worry Jack can handle it." I assured her grabbing my PS4 remote and put on a game. 

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