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Jack's pov.

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and straight on my face making my sleep very uncomfortable. With a groan, I lifted my head up to come to a realisation that I was the first one up. This is weird, I have never experienced something like this, usually, at least someone slash mostly everyone is up before me. Well, seems like it's my fault that I picked up the place nearest to the window as my lay down spot. But what was a poor lad like myself supposed to do? Everyone in here is somewhat paired up, even if it's not intentionally they are and I am left third-wheeling to everyone, everywhere. I propped myself on my elbows to get a better look at my surroundings. I was undoubtedly in the girls' flat. No surprise there, I can't fully remember being in our own flat much. We got it and that was about it, we still spend the majority of our time in this little crowded place. Poor Harvey was most of the time left alone there. At least it is going to be different when we move to the new house. I just hope it will be like that, that is the main reason why we are taking the girls with us, so we don't have to travel so much from one part of the town to another, which reminds me...Today is a day, the MOVING DAY!!!! I am so excited to finally live in a normal house, with more space and my own room and maybe a garden and places to do stupid stuff. Amazing thought. I just hope I will get a normal room, there is where the success lies. But if we want to move out today we need to get up, rise and shine sunshine. The question is who is going to wake up these lazy butts and sleepy heads? That's right, ME! I'm gonna get Rye back for all those mean pranks he did on me along with Brooklyn and Bonnie when I was asleep. And just because they are here, all of them sleeping in this very room everyone else is gonna get it too. Sorry, but, payback is a bitch. 

I silently and carefully stood up being extra cautious around Brook's arm that was outstretched in my way. His other arm was glued around Dede's small waist as they slept cuddled up together with faces near each other, ugh, wouldn't want to be in the shot of Brooklyn's morning breath. On the other hand, if we look away from Brooklyn's morning death breath they look really cute. Sharing one mattress together which is barely able to fit one proper person, but then again who said Dede was a proper person there is just skin and bones to her. At first, I didn't want this lovely-dovely couple next to me, you know you can never be too careful around dating couples, really anything can happen. But luckily it wasn't the case yesterday so my virgin eyes and ears were saved. 

I walked a little more towards the direction of the kitchen, passing a blanket bed made by Mikey and Livy yesterday. It was surprisingly really good made and soft. Livy maybe did well when she sent her mattress to the house with the first moving truck. She got even better bed than most of us. It was sure bigger than Dede and Brook's mattress, but these two looked like they had a fight yesterday night. They were facing from each other and had space between them that could fit an aeroplane. But they weren't fighting yesterday, were they? Then my gaze fell on the blanket that was covering them and there I got a glimpse and them holding hands, fingers entwined with each other. I am certain I wouldn't be able to sleep like that unless I wanted an arm cramp in the morning.

 Continuing to the kitchen I came face to face with the storm shelter. Or in another version, a table covered in a bunch of blankets and quilts, which was hiding Bonnie and Andy in. Those small people were so lucky their feet weren't poking out of their little bunker. If I were there my legs would be deadly cold right now. But for midgets like Andy and Bonnie, it must have been heaven to sleep there. But I am happy they made this little pillow/blanket house for themselves that way I could have Bonnie's mattress. I didn't have to share, yay. On the other hand, the table under which they slept was completely covered so only God knows what they were doing there. Wink, wink, wonk. Okay, no, just kidding. They were talking until Bonnie fell asleep and after that Andy climbed out to talk to me and Mike since others were asleep by then.

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