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I am sure you guys noticed the new cover😍 it is so amazing I am in love with it. It was made by my best friend and she made an amazing job. Lets all take a moment to appreciate her work🙏🙏🙏 alright that's enough lets get to the story...

Dede's pov.

When I woke up in the morning I was so happy. It was my birthday and I finally had a boyfriend and group of friends at one place and I was sure they were gonna make my day amazing. I got changed into something nice. It was my special day after all. I made my way to the bathroom and when I was done with everything I walked into the kitchen expecting others to shower me with wishes and presents or stuff like that but I was just greeted with sight of Kayla half sleeping on her chair with bowl of cereal in front of her and Livy pouring herself a glass of milk. 

"Hey guys." I greeted cheerily sitting down on my chair. Kayla just nodded and Livy mumbled something that sounded like good morning. "So don't you want to say something to me?" I asked expecting at least a happy birthday. 

"Nope." Kayla said simply grabbing her spoon and shovelling a generous amount of cereal in her mouth. I frowned. Did they really forget? 

"Oh, I do." Livy announced making me look up hopefully. "We're out of milk." I groaned. Great, first they forget and now I don't have breakfast. Then a thought came to my mind. Where's Bonnie. She sure didn't forget. 

"Where's Bonnie?" She must be somewhere preparing a surprise for me or something. 

"She went for a morning run with Rye, Andy and Mikey." Kayla answered finishing her breakfast. I was about to say something when doors opened and closed. Few seconds after Bonnie in her jogging clothes showed up in the room. She had a shopping bag in her hand. 

"Good morning lovelies. Today is a special day." She announced with a wide grin. Finally someone remembered. "The boys are moving to their new flat." She cheered and girls rolled their eyes at her enthusiasm. 

"So you don't have anything you want to say or give to me?" I asked feeling all hope leave me. 

"Yes, of course. Sorry I forgot." Another hopeful moment. She fished in the bag and after a while pulled out a carton of milk. "Now you can make yourself breakfast. But do it quickly, because you and I are gonna help boys with moving while Kayla and Livy are at school." Bonnie continued rambling on and on and I wanted to mute her how mad I was right now. But we are going to boys and there's Brook and he sure remembers. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Bonnie leaving the room. 

"Where did she go?" I asked Livy who was washing dishes. 

"She went to change. Didn't you hear when she told you she was going ahead with Rye and Andy. They are going to drive us to train station and then they are going to the flat." I nodded at Livy's explanation. So it will be just me in the flat for a while. Kayla and Bonnie came in the room Bonnie holding Livy's school bag. 

"Come on we have to go, Rye already called saying they are downstairs." Kayla urged her. Livy sighed turning to me. 

"Can you finish this?" She didn't wait for and answer. She just walked away from the sink and past me to grab her back and with that the girls left not even saying goodbye. I am left alone in the flat on my birthday I am going to eat some damn cereal for breakfast and I have to do the dishes. Every birthday girl's dream. I sighed and prepared myself some breakfast and after that I did the dishes. I was almost finished when there was a knock on the door. At first I thought it was Brook and Jack that wanted to fetch me to help them with that moving but then I realised that it couldn't have been anyone from our weirdo group because non of those guys knows how to knock. I went to answer it but when I opened the door there was no one. Great now someone's making fun of me on top of everything. I was about to close the door when I noticed an envelope on the ground. Weird. I got down to pick it up and there was my name written on it. Well, looks like this is meant for me then. I looked around one more time to make see if I can spot anyone who could've drop this here but without any luck. I closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. I sat down on the chair and opened the envelope carefully pulling out the letter that was there.

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