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Brooklyn's pov.

I was racing through the park desperately trying to find Dede. The whole time I was thinking about how can I be such idiot. Am I really that stupid to say thank you to I love you? How could I? Now Dede is somewhere here probably crying alone because of me. I hate myself for that. Is there anyone that dumb? I really care for Dede I never saw a girl that would attract me that much. There is something about her eyes, hair, laugh whole personality that was just pulling me closer and closer and now I think I am too deep to get out of this. I can't really say what it attracting me to her. I honestly can't. But I can tell it is strong and that I never felt something like this before. I never felt something like this with anyone. I feel so relaxed when I'm with her and at the same time I am stressed and frightened. I am stressed that I do or say something that she won't like and I am scared that someone better will come and she'll leave me. Ugh, how did I get myself into this? I was ready to give up now. It was getting hopeless, it was almost dark and I was about to pull out my phone to use the flashlight there when I heard a faint sob. I looked around and under one of the trees sat Dede. She had her head buried in her hands. She was sobbing and shivering probably from crying or maybe from cold because it was getting quite chilly outside. I sighed relieved that I found her and slowly walked over to her. 

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked softly making her look up. When she saw it was me she hid her face again. I sat down either way. I didn't really expect an answer from her she is probably mad. I carefully put a hand around her shoulders. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked between sobs. Finally she started speaking to me. That's a start. 

"I wanted to know you are okay." She shrugged my hand from her shoulders. 

"I am fine. You can go now." She mumbled. 

"Don't think so." I said and moved closer to her. 

"You don't love me back, do you?" My heart ached hearing her sad voice. It wasn't he one I grew to love. She always used to have that cheery, happy voice that put a smile on my face every time hearing it.

"I need to be honest now." I took a deep breath and looked at her. She was still facing the ground. "Can you at least look at me?" After my question she lifted her head slowly revealing her beautiful face. She had tears running down her red cheeks. I put a hand on her cheek making her look me in the eyes. "Love I am aware that it may have sounded like I don't love you as much as you love me but I love you even more. You can't even imagine how much I love you." I took a deep breath. "I seriously don't know what is happening with me normally I ramble on and on and now I am too afraid to say anything. It is strange really." She giggled. 

"I can see that you are nervous." 

"That I am, I am petrified because lets face it I never fully admitted my feeling to anyone let alone a girl I love with all my heart. " She blushed. Finally some progress. "Look I know it is soon to say I just know I can imagine my whole life with you." 

"You can?" Her surprised tone made me laugh. 

"Of course I can silly. I love you with all my heart and more." She threw herself at me and because I wasn't expecting that we fell over and on the cold ground. But didn't matter we laughed and I finally got to kiss her without anyone disturbing us. When we pulled away she had that wide smile on. 

"So you love me?" I rolled my eyes. 

"I just kissed you for fuck's sake what else does it tell you? Of course I love you." I laughed and she laughed too booping my nose. 

"Aw." She looked disappointed. 

"What, what did I do this time?" I asked alarmed. 

"You didn't even scrunch your nose when I booped you." I rolled my eyes. She really was made for me. 

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