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Bonnie's pov. 

In the morning I woke up to someone breathing on my neck. The breath was warm and I would lie if I said it wasn't a nice feeling. Most of the time when someone breaths on your neck you can get uncomfortable but I knew this breath fairly well. As well as I knew the arm that was snaked around my waist and the chest that I was leaning my back on. I knew all these parts and things because they belonged to a boy that I love more than anyone else. They belonged to Andy, my love, my boyfriend, my everything and the boy I spent yesterday's night with. As he promised me we watched Now you see me both movies because I love them both equally. I remember Andy laughing at my excited face when I saw them rob the bank or how we both laughed when they were at the hearing or when we found out that Harry Potter was playing a bad guy in this film. That boy is all about magic I tell you. I loved how Andy scrunched his nose when I said Jack  Wilder is cute and just because it was irritating him I kept saying that every time he appeared on the screen which was a lot. Towards the end of the first film Andy was getting quite fed up with it and he pulled me closer to him to usher away his jealousy. I obviously didn't. I mean who would mind being hugged by Andy fucking Fowler? Yup, that's what I thought. We fell asleep on one of the couches here in the cinema room. And to be honest it was quite comfortable. The comfortable atmosphere was interrupted by Andy's phone ringing. I heard his groan from behind me as his arm disappeared from my waist leaving it all cold and exposed to the outside environment which I didn't really appreciate. I felt Andy pull his phone out of his pocket and lift it towards his ear. 

"Roadtrip residence, handsome one speaking what can I help you with at this ungodly hour?" Andy's sexy morning voice reached my ears making me smile in my half-sleep. His voice sounded so tired and rough and ugh it was like sex for my ears. My god Bonnie, stop. If he could hear my thought we would have a serious problem now. "What? Blair, man, slow down...what are you talking about." I felt Andy tense behind me and in a matter of second he was sitting straight. Well, guess we are not gonna sleep anymore. I sat up too and looked at Andy with my sleepy eyes. Seeing him sitting on the other end of the couch looking absolutely confused and somewhat stressed. "What? No, she didn't." Andy sent me a glare and stood up. "I'll just wake up the boys and we will be there shortly." Andy walked out of the room not even bothering to give me a second glance. What did I do? I wanted to check my phone but it was nowhere in sight. Where the hell is it? Hm, maybe I left it in the kitchen yesterday. I decided to check. When I walked into the kitchen the Andy, Rye and Mikey were running around it collecting some stuff. What is it with all the rush? 

"Where is the fire guys?" I asked them laughing a little. Andy turned to me stopping all his action to sent me a hateful glare. 

"This is all your fault." Um, excuse me...what the fuck? What did I do this time? Only thing I did today was wake up, maybe with a bit perverse mind at first but that didn't hurt anyone but my innocence.  

"What on Earth did I do to deserve such harsh words instead of good morning?" I asked sitting down on the chair in the kitchen. Still don't see my phone anywhere and it is starting to alarm me a bit. 

"How you could you not tell me that Blair texted you yesterday and asked you to tell us to come for a meeting this morning?" Andy yelled. But he yelled for nothing because I fricking don't know what is he talking about. Jack and Brooklyn took this moment to come into the room.

"I don't know what are you talking about." 

"Oh sure you fucking don't. You don't know about any text from Blair right?" 

"Well, no I don't. I don't even know where my phone is." I defended myself from the raging boy. Jack looked at me and something in his eyes told me that he wanted to tell me something but he needed to move fast so he just brushed it off and grabbed his hoodie that was hanging on the chair next to me. 

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