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Livy's pov. (unexpected I know)

It's been a few weeks since Bonnie left. Well, it was exactly a week. And everything here is crazy. I already had a bunch of my own problems in school but now? Everyone seems to be like out of this world. No one is behaving as they should. Kayla is spending an unhealthy amount of time with Rosie. Which, let me tell you is angering me to the oblivion. I had been watching the girl and the things I have found are just urging me to kick her out every time I see her. Yeah, and people say I am easy going and kind person. Well, I am but when someone is a bitch I can't help it. Rosie has been spending an unhealthy amount of time with Andy as well and from the looks of it, Jack doesn't mind anymore. He seems to be keeping his distance from his supposed to be girlfriend but I yet don't know why. Maybe I should talk to him? I am being a personal therapist to everyone in this household so far. I had marriage counselling with Dede and Brooklyn who had their first real fight just three days after Bonnie's departure. Well, it wasn't their first real one but it was the first time I had to face it. I already forgot what it was about but at least the two are fine now. I had a talk with Rye who wanted to speak to someone about his feeling for a certain girl that doesn't share the same feeling. I mean my head is the size of a giant balloon and it is just a week of Bonnie being gone. When she was here we would split the work with solving problems of others. Now she is not here and everything is on my shoulders. Ugh, I miss her. 


"What?" I snapped at the person that came in my room. Goodness. I just snapped. I never snap. I need to be actually angry to snap at someone. Great Hades what if I hurt their feelings? I lifted my head to see Mikey standing there in my doorway looking shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry Mikey," I told him a sadness colouring my voice. Mikey walked over to me, carefully stepping over my precious vegetal friends. The poor guys are actually pretty mistreated at this moment. I have so much on my plate even too much and there is no time left for me to take care of Theodore and his brothers and sisters. I am a terrible plant mother. "I think I am too stressed," I said leaning my head on Mikey's shoulder. 

"And why is that?" Mikey asked running his hair through my short curly hair. Careful there, boy, if you don't want to get it stuck in there you shouldn't touch it too much.

"Everyone is just acting so weird." I buried my head even more into his shoulder. I felt his pulling on my hair...someone got stuck. Well, I can't be bothered right now. "Ever since Bonnie left the people in this house developed some sort of inner complex that makes them unbearable. They all have all these problems and it is just all going to dogs. They are all driving me to the point where I am googling the best mental hospitals for myself. But judging from the rate how fastly everyone is going crazy I think I will be good in any mental hospital." I blabbered on and on and I am guessing Mikey is either getting confused or is having too much fun with this. Or he has his hand still stuck in my hair.

"How do you comb your hair, Jesus," Mikey mumbled and I felt something tugging on my hair. Okay, he is still stuck. I reached my hands to my hair and untangled his hand out of my messy mop of hair. 

"You don't comb curly hair, Mikey," I explained calmly. He is the one that has been not getting on my nerves yet. But when he came here just like that he might need something and that can get him on the hate list. 

"Oh, that explains a lot." He said jokingly. 

"Okay, you are nearing very close to the hate list," I warned him staring into his shining blue eyes. Ugh, why does he have such beautiful eyes? I just can't, Michael stop having such gorgeous eyes. 

"I am sorry ma'am," Mikey said and leaned his head on mine which was on his shoulder. "You know, I came here for advice." And yet another one. 

"You just crossed the hate list border welcome to the board, Michael, what the hell do you need?" I asked with a rather harsh tone of voice. Don't be surprised I am only human and this is seriously going right over my head when everyone needs constant help. I mean helping someone from time to time is fine but this is going on for a week already and everyone suddenly needs help. I can't split if I knew how to do that half of me would be on Hawaii already.

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