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Andy's pov. 

I was expecting Rye to yell at me for chickening out again but I wasn't expecting him to jump at me and hit me. He kept hitting me and it started to hurt pretty bad. 

"Ow, Rye. Rye stop it. Ow, I'm not a pinata!" Mikey luckily understood I had enough and he pulled the monster off of me. I slowly lifted myself only to be meet with glares from my friends.

"You're an idiot." Jack stated. 

"You are making my girlfriend really unhappy man, don't make me tie you up and throw you on the next train to Narnia." Dede threatened me. I would actually like going to Narnia if I'm honest. Suddenly Livy pushed her way in front of me. Her expression was enough to give me even bigger fright than any horror movie. 

"You mister are seriously messing with my ship and I don't like it when someone messes with my ship. You don't just go between woman and her ships!" She yelled at me. 

"I wouldn't mess with her man. She has a bag for dead bodies and good alibi." Mikey warned me. I am now way too afraid of these girls. I felt someone grab my shoulder making me jump because now anyone can kill me. I turned around to see Rye glaring at me. 

"You are going to tell her the truth and you are doing it now or I'm letting Olivia actually kill you." I nodded. The doors opened and Kayla and Bonnie's voices could be heard. 

"Don't deny it he was actually staring at you the whole time." Kayla said loudly. Who was staring at who now? 

"No he wasn't, you're just seeing things." Bonnie said walking into the room. "Pizza's here." She called catching the attention of Jack, Brook and Dede. 

"I am not seeing things. Look at the pizza box." Kayla said running in the room and snatching the box from Dede's hands. 


"You see." Kayla said pushing the pizza box in Bonnie's face. 

"A number." 

"HIS number." Kayla said pointing out the word his. 

"Who's ?" Livy asked curiously walking towards them. 

"Cute pizza boyo fell in love with Bonnie." Does anyone else feel their world shattering? No just me? Okay. 

"Stop living in fairy tales. There is no love at first sight."  Oh, how wrong you are dear Bonnie. If you only knew. 

"You should call him."  Kayla suggested. Wasn't she supposed to be on my side? I saw Bonnie look at me and then down at the ground sadly. 

"You know what. I'm gonna call him. Right now actually." She said ripping the corner with number and giving the rest to Dede. She then walked out of the room . I looked at Kayla. 

"Weren't you supposed to be on my team?" I asked her angrily.

"Yeah, Kay. We wanted to help Andy not sink him down." Rye said trying to support me. 

"Hey, relax. I know Bonnie likes you. Even if she goes out with that boy she won't stay with him long because she has feelings for you. So the sooner you tell her the truth the sooner she will be yours and the sooner can my and Livy's ship become a canon." Kayla explained. But I had the sudden urge to ask one question. I know that Kayla will have my head but I just have to. 

"But what if she won't leave him soon?" I asked carefully. If looks could kill the cold glares I got from both Kayla and Livy would kill me and bury me deep in the ground. 

"We know her a lot longer than you do mister, so don't go questioning what we said." Livy said to me. I throw my hands up in surrender. 

"I'm sorry I asked." I hung my head down feeling ashamed of myself. We heard the doors to the girls' room open and in the view came Bonnie. She had a small smile on, yet I could see it was faked. She walked over to us and throw her arms around Kayla. 

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