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Kayla's pov.

It is almost one in the morning and I am sitting in the kitchen. It is not that I enjoy sitting in the dark kitchen when it's past midnight, I am waiting for Bonnie to come home finally. That girl is actually getting on my nerves. It has been few weeks since she started dating that Will guy.She's been spending way too much time with him. We haven't actually seen her since then because either she is at work or with her boyfriend. I always thought that I would be happy when she gets a boyfriend but I always thought it would be Andy and not some pizza guy. For some time I was jealous at boys because I thought that they were enjoying time with Bonnie when they were working together but then Rye told me that most of the time she isn't present. Like she is there in the room with them but she is on her phone most of the time. When I heard that I couldn't believe it, that just didn't sound like her. Rye also said that even though they are with her in the same building almost everyday they miss her too. It has been too long since they had a proper conversation. We all miss her. She's been way too distant to all of us and we want her back! I don't even know who is the guy she spends most of the time with. I never really saw him. Well I did if you count seeing a guy in the dark while handing him money for the pizza then yeah, I did but there was no much to see if you ask me. Livy and Dede are annoyed that Bonnie is away most of the time. Well Dede misses her but Livy, she is annoyed and it is mainly because she feels sorry for Andy. The boy is broken since the day he gave Bonnie a ride to the shop that one day. Andy said that they had a fight about that Will. Even though Andy tries to hide how he is really feeling behind all those smiles and all that we can all see he is depressed and that he misses her. The two of them haven't talk to each other since. I think it bothers Bonnie too because I caught her few times staring at Andy's Instagram, of course she wouldn't admit it she is just stubborn bitch like that but I know she feels something to him, that she will never feel towards that Will guy. I was too caught up in thinking about this whole situation that I didn't hear the front door opening which resulted in Bonnie scaring me when she walked into the kitchen. When she walked in she turned the light on and we both screamed surprising each other. Oh, gods I just hope we didn't wake the girls of the Queen in Buckingham palace.

"Shut up stupid, before you wake the whole England." I shushed her. She took a deep shaky breath and leaned on the wall putting a hand on her head glaring at me.

"Why are you here sitting in the dark you lunatic?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. 

"I was waiting for you to finally come home." I reasoned. She rolled her eyes and pushed herself from the wall and walked over to the table where I was sitting at. 

"Oh, thanks for worrying about me mum." She snapped back and I had the urge to slap her. 

"Livy is the mother of the group but I can be a mother figure for a while now. So sit down young lady and we are going to talk." She groaned and kicked the chair away sitting down on it. Such a moody teenager she is. "You are ignoring all of us." I stated.

"If I was ignoring you I wouldn't be sitting here now." 

"You are spending all your time with Will." I said to her. 

"Well, he is my boyfriend so..." She shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't even care. This was making me even more angry. 

"Well, I don't even know how he looks like." I snapped back. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her  phone showing me the photo of the boy. Finally at last. 


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