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Jack's pov. 

Jack: Of course there isn't anything between me and Bonnie guys. She just is feeling so down and needs all the love and care she can get. She is really in a bad state, guys. Like really bad. 

Brook: Okay but why were you kissing her in the pic?

Jack: What?

Rye: Mate you were kissing the back of Bonnie's head while hugging her.

Jack: That was just for comfort calm the fuck down. Don't tell me you never kissed Bonnie's cheek Rye because I saw you do that countless of time same with Brook and we don't consider that as if he's cheating on Dede do we? I would never do something like that to Andy! 

Mikey: Okay, okay we were just asking, calm down. It is a bit hectic here you know so we are kinda assuming things. 

Jack: Yeah, okay I get that but stop accusing I did something I didn't. I would never do something like that and to be honest, Bonnie just sees me as a friend. She told me so herself. 

Rye: Okay, we believe you. We just had to ask. 

Brook: I am scared about Andy mate.

Jack: Yea, now that you were telling me how bad he is feeling I am too. Maybe I  should come back tomorrow.

Rye: But Bonnie is bad on it as well isn't she?

Jack: Well, she is not dying, actually she is pretty hyped today and Harvey is here with her, he should handle her just fine now. 

Mikey: Jack, are you sure. We don't want to risk anything. Girls would kill us if something bad happens 

Jack: Hey, hey stay calm. Nothing will happen to her. I just feel it will be best if I came home. Andy won't believe you when you say that I am not dating Bonnie because he will just think you are saying it to make him feel better. I need to come and prove it to him. We all know he is pretty stubborn.

Rye: You are probably right. 

Brook: But, how will you get a plane ticket back here until tomorrow? That is almost impossible.

Jack: I have my ways. 

Mikey: You are going to come to Blair begging for him to somehow get you a ticket. 

Rye: And you will say it is really important and the future of the band depends on it? 

Jack: Dang it, you are good.

Brook: Thank you...

Rye: Brook you were literally the only one that hadn't say anything.

Brook: That's why I am saying thank you. To feel included. 

Jack: Alright guys I will have to go now to take care of some things. I will text probably to you Rye, to come pick me up from the airport tomorrow, alright? 

Rye: Yea, mate that's fine. Take care. 

Mikey: Bye Jack.

Jack: Bye guys see ya tomorrow.

Brook: Bye Jonk.

I shook my head at Brooklyn and ended the call. Those guys are really stressed out. I don't blame them, I was too when I came here to take care of Bonnie. She didn't even want to move. I had to force her to get up and forced her to eat. And when I say force I mean force. It was messy. I need to have a word with Harvey when we come back to the hotel. I need him to take care of her when I am not here. 

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