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Rye's pov. 

After the rooms were all divided to their rightful owners we moved all our belongings into our rooms. Which was quite interesting considering how many books does Bonnie and Kayla have. If you only could see the fight they had over which book was whose. I love books myself but those girls...crazy. You maybe don't see my point so I am gonna explain. Some of the books were the same...like really two Percy Jackson books even the same part of the whole series and they were still fighting over which one belonged to who. While the two were arguing me and Andy managed to get all our belongings upstairs to our rooms. We were on the hallway looking down the stairs as Bonnie and Kayla finally finished fighting and were now bringing everything upstairs. Mikey was helping Livy in her room, she was telling him the vision of her future green room whatever it means. Dede and Brooklyn were nowhere to be seen I am getting suspicious they are doing something highly inappropriate. This thought makes me wanna throw up, those two are really cute and lovely and all that but seeing them suck mouths belongs to the list of most disgusting things that I never want to see. Unfortunately for me, I have it on a daily basis because those two can't keep away from each other. But enough from those two hormone-filled teenagers. Andy elbowed me to catch my attention because I seemed to be in some kind of daze. I looked at him and he just pointed downstairs from where the screams were coming from. I looked down and saw Kayla and Bonnie fighting who is going to be the first one that climbs up the stairs. 

"Move it I'm older." 

"Hence the reason why I should go first you gonna take forever grandma." Alright, Bonnie's level of sassiness is hitting the roof. And I am not sure Kayla appreciates that. They were shoving one another with a box of books in hands both. I probably should start a count down when someone will drop it. 

"I wonder how is it possible that Bonnie always makes someone being older her advantage even if it is supposed to be a disadvantage." Andy wondered out loud while still watching the bickering show under. I just shrugged in response. 

"God knows, she was born with a pretty snappy mouth that she likes to use with us, I think she can use mostly anything in her advantage." Andy shook his head. 

"Nope, she is snappy because she is afraid, she feels like less and that is how she tries to compensate it. With threats and snappy comments. She is actually quite gentle and sensitive inside." Andy said looking down at the small blonde girl in pure admiration in his blue eyes. This sounds like a lot of rubbish to me because Bonnie acts like a ninja, tough and emotionless. More like a boy than any of us. But then again Andy is her boyfriend and he has been studying her intensively for a long time now so he must know better. 

"I am taller," Kayla yelled shoving Bonnie away from the first step with her body. But ya all know Bonnie she is like a bouncing ball, she bounced right back.

"I am cuter." Kayla stumbled a little when the smaller girl made an impact. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" Another shove from the curly-haired girl's side.

"People prefer puppies, not giraffes," Bonnie said and jumped on Kayla who lost her balance and dropped her books. Bonnie took this in her advantage and with a victorious laugh she started marching up the stairs. "Enjoy your book picking," Bonnie called over her shoulder as she was almost reaching us. Andy and I both turned to her, she looked quite comic with that huge box in hands. She was making her way around us to get to her room but she tripped over her own feet and one of her books fell out of the box. Bonnie sighed and bent down. Gosh, where those jeans she's wearing that tight before? I didn't really notice. But I am sure Andy is noticing it very well now. You can almost see him drolling. Bonnie collected her book and straightened up, cutting Andy's show off. He still stood next to me watching the place where Bonnie used to be earlier.

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