Chapter One

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It was a crisp fall morning in New Zealand. Eric was sitting outside on the back porch of the Misfits Mansion, drinking a room temperature Dr Pepper. It was around 7:30 that morning and he was the first to wake up. Since he was alone, he had a blunt with him as well as his soda, as no one was there to stop him. A couple birds chirped, signaling that morning was here, but other than that, it was dead silent. Eric hummed a tune quietly to himself as he took a hit from the small blunt.

About half an hour later, Eric heard a couple mumbles from inside the house. He turned to see who had woken up and he saw that both Cam and Mason were up. He burnt out his blunt and set the ash tray on the table beside his porch chair. Eric stretches and turned to walk inside. "Morning mate..." Mason said sleepily. "Goooood morning!" Eric cheered. "Well your wide awake.." Cam grumbled. Eric chuckled and shrugged slightly. "Well, I've been up since 7:30 so..." He says, throwing himself onto the couch. Mason yawns obnoxiously loud and grabs a cup out of the cupboard above the sink. He pours himself a cup of milk and walks back into the living room. "What's the plan for today?" Can asks as he scrolls through Twitter on his phone. Mason takes a drink of the milk and wipes away the mustache it made above his lip. "I was thinking we could go to the club later tonight? Get some ladies?" He smirks and sets down his cup on the counter. "Shut up cunt, we're not going to the club." Cam says and throws a couch pillow at him. Mason catches it and throws it toward Eric. The pillow hits him in the back of the head and Eric curses under his breath before leaning back against the couch. "I wouldn't mind the club." Eric says.

Jay comes down the steps, his hair up in wild tufts. His rubs his eyes sleepily and yawns. "Morning guys.." he grumbles. "Morning Jay." Everyone says in unison.

Jay walks over to Mason and hugs him tightly, pecking him softly on the cheek. Eric scoffs and does a puking motion. Jay and Mason had been dating for a couple weeks by now and they've haven't been hiding it from the others. Cam didn't really care and, of course, neither did Toby, but Eric hated it. He didn't understand it and felt it wasn't right.

Mason flips Eric off and continues to kiss Jay. Eric rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm going to change, I'll be back down in a bit." He says as he begins to walk upstairs. Cam huffs, not bringing his head up from his phone. Eric frowns and continued to go up the stairs and towards his room. He passed by Toby coming out of his room. He mumbles a quiet "Morning" to him and kept going to his room.

He walks into the bedroom and flips the light on. Eric shuts the door and walks to his closet to pick out some clothes. He grabbed a pair of black jeans and a navy blue t shirt. He also grabbed his jacket and slipped them all on. He looked himself over in the mirror and nodded. Eric sat down in his desk chair and started scrolling through discord.

A bit later, Eric checked his alarm clock and saw it was almost 11:30. He huffed and stood up from his chair. He was brushing himself off and getting ready to open his bedroom door to go down to the living room when he heard some commotion downstairs.

He furrowed his brows and quickly trotted down the steps. He looked around and saw Cam and Mason arguing. Eric also saw Matt in the middle of the two. His eyes grew wide and he rushed over to the two. "The hell is going on in here?!" Eric yells loudly. Cam pulls away from Mason and crossed his arms over his chest. "This cunt was getting on my nerves." He says deeply. Mason scoffs and turns up his nose. "Says you!! I was just playing around and you flipped out!" Eric pinches the bridge of his nose and rolls his eyes. "Really guys? You are both just bickering!! You sound like children!!" He flares his nose and looks back and forth from the two.

Mason grumbles lowly and clenches his fist, getting ready to swing. Matt pulls him back and Cam throws his arms up to protect his face. Jay pulled Mason back to the kitchen and Toby pushed Cam back, telling him to calm down. "You need to chill out, Mason," Eric says aggressively, ",you and Jay go out somewhere, go chill out." Jay nods and grabs his car keys. "Let's go Mason.." He opens the front door and goes out to his car with Mason. They leave and Cam sits down in the couch.

Eric sits beside Cameron and rests his hand on him. "What the hell happened dude?" Cam shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair. "Just Mason being a cunt, ya know." He nods. "Yeah, I know...Mason being Mason." Eric says softly. Cam turns to him and smiles softly. "Thanks for standing up for me.." Eric chuckles and tilts his head. "Your welcome..?"

He saw how Cams cheeks were slightly pink but he ignored it...
If only he knew...
Hey guys!! My newest story I'm starting!! Sorry for being so inactive!!! But this will be a story that I'm most active on!
Hope you enjoy it!!!
-Em 💗✌️

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