Chapter 14

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I did it!
I kissed him.
Well, he kissed me..
But still!!

I felt like doing a little happy dance when Cameron looked into my eyes after kissing me. I'm not sure why I said what I said...panic? I guess so.

He seemed upset at my reaction. I just wish I could tell him how I really felt about him. I never thought I would be gay. I always looked down at it. But Cameron, he changed that.

He made me realize that I like dick. (A/N Im sorry 😂) I just wanted to pull him into a hug and cuddle him..forever and ever.

"I-i...I'm sorry if that was too far.." He said to me, biting his lip and looking down. His dirty blonde hair covered his eyes and I brushed it out of the way. "Don't be sorry Cameron...I-I...liked it.." I confess, smiling slightly at him.

He raised his eyebrows and raised his head up to me. "Really? You did?" He said, sounding more excited than he should be over a simple kiss, but I didn't mind. It was cute.

I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his very visible cheekbones. His face had become pokey with stubble after not shaving for over a week but I think it looked good at him. Made him look slightly older than he really was.

I felt him press himself into my palm, closing his eyes and humming softly. "Cam...I truly do love you...I want to help you through this....and I'll always be here for you." I say, more as a whisper.

He grabbed my hand that rested on his face with his own and intertwined his fingers with mine, stroking the back of my hand with his pinkie finger. I blushed and did the same with our other hands.

They rested in our laps, softly rubbing each other. I looked deeply into his eyes, taking in all of the color, highlights, and emotion I could. "You're upset about something...I can tell.." I say lowly, tilting my head to the side.

He sighs and pulls away from our gaze. "It's...nothing...don't worry." He states. I made an 'I'm not dumb face' and huffed. "Cameron, there's no point in lying to won't work." I say with a chuckle, mostly to lighten up the mood.

He blinks slowly and catches my eyes again. "Fine, Fine. What if this doesn't work Eric...I could lose my job. My career. My friends. So much can go wrong Eric.." He says to me, his eyes glazing over, catching the light just right to sparkle.

I squeezed his hands a bit tighter, being careful of the small cuts around his wrists..

"Cameron, listen to me. Everything will turn out okay, it'll just take time. You won't lose your job and neither will you lose your career. Look at Toby! He came out as a fucking woman and look how successful he's becoming! And speaking Toby and our friends, they are the last people that you'd lose." I stop to wipe a tear that made its way down his cheek. "They love you and me and would never shun us for liking something different."

I really surprised myself at my little speech I made but I knew it needed to be said.

I should become a public speaker..
I just hope that he believed me....

He nods, fully looking at me now. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just...over thinking all of this.." I smile and lean in to kiss him again.

He hesitates for a brief moment before connecting himself to me, bolts of electricity shooting through me. I closed my eyes and furrowed my brows.

I pulled one hand from his and place sit on the small of his back, pulling him tighter to me. His hand that was now free moved to my waist, resting there softly.

I took a deep breath through my nose so I wouldn't pass out and I felt him so the same a bit later.

We lasted like this for a couple minutes, lust flowing between us and we got to the pint where he was shifting to place a leg over mine. I slid my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for entrance inside of his mouth and he obliged, parting his slightly chapped lips for me to enter.

I wrapped my tongue around his, trying to go as slow as I managed so this lasted longer.

I heard a small, quiet click come from behind me but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I heard it again but this time, there was a small mumble right after the click sounded. I pulled myself from Cameron's lips, panting heavily and spun myself around. And there stood Mason and John, in the hallway corridor, their phones in their hands.

Since mine and Cameron's eyes were closed, we didn't notice them before. And since my ears were ringing for some unknown reason the whole time of our 'make out sesh', I didn't hear them either.

Cameron gasped slightly and quickly stood from the couch, looking at the two that held the phones. John held back a giggle but Mason let it free as soon as he saw us looking at him, knowing he got caught.

"MASON! YOU BETTER DELETE WHATEVER PICTURES YOU TOOK!!" I yelled loudly and began to chase after him. He squealed ear-piercingly loud like the velociraptor he is and began to run around the house dodging my attacks.

I watched as Eric chased after Mason, screaming curses at him and yelling at him to deleted whatever videos or photos he took. The sight made me chuckle slightly.

Wow, been a while since I've done that...

I cut my eyes to John and he raised his hands in surrender. "Already deleted them man..." I dipped my head and bite the inside of my cheek. "Thanks man...sorry we couldn't go to a room..."

He laughed and walked over to me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving a half bro hug. "Hey man, don't be sorry, you finally worked out things with him and I'm proud of you. Even though it ended up in us catching y'all making out, it's all worth it in the end." John says with a smile.

I smile back and huff. "Well...yeah I'm glad we worked it out and's just...I'm scared."

John pulled away from the hug and looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean? What are you scared about?"

I sighed and swallowed. "N-never mind..forget I said anything." I say lowly and waving my hands in front of me.

John scoffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Bro, you can't leave me hanging like that.."

"Matt. I'm scared of Matt.." I blurt out.

What have I done...

Yayayayay!!! I finally have some ideas for where this is going!!!
And ooo cliffhanger 👀😈
But I hope ya like the chapter! Vote and comment some feedback!

-Emily 💗🥰

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