Chapter 19

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A/N: So I just noticed that literally every person in this damn house is gay 😂 so I may change that soon))

I left Cameron's room, some slight sweat plastered on my forehead. He was still on the bed, only partly clothed and panting heavily.

I wiped my sleeve over my face to get off any access sweat or drool and walked out into the hallway.

I made my way down the stairs and into the living room where Toby and Mason sat on the couch, talking to each other. I fixed up my collar and flattened some of the wrinkles of my shirt down.

Toby spotted me and smiled as I walked closer. He waved at me. "Hey man." I smile back and plop down beside the two on the couch. "You were up there for a while mate, were you okay?" Mason asked me, tilting his head slightly.

I felt my heart beat speed up and I swallowed. I nodded quickly and blinked rapidly. "Yeah! Yup! I'm fine! All good, why do you ask?" I ask, trying not to sound suspicious but clearly failing.

Toby laughed out loud before quickly covering his mouth. I furrow my brows and look at him. "W-why are you laughing?" I ask, causing Mason to start laughing.

"Mate, we could hear you two, no reason in hiding it." Mason cried out before falling into another laughing fit. My cheeks flushed a bright shade of red and I looked down, holding my face in my hands.

"Oh no....." I groaned, shutting my eyes. Mason basically fell off the couch laughing and Toby held his stomach as he laughed. I have both of them the finger and looked up from my hands.

" loud were we?" I asked softly, my face still red. "Y'all weren't that loud, but we could for sure hear the slapping." Mason said jokingly.

I lean over and punch him hard in the shoulder, causing him to cry out."Ow!! What the hell cunt!?" He says with a fake sob. "We didn't do that you fucker." I grumble and huff.

John walked out into the living room, his vape in his hand, as he scrolled through something on his phone. He looked up to the three of us and tilted his head. "Uhm,...did I miss something?" He chuckles, seeing my red face.

"Oi! Swags and Cam fucked." Mason exclaimed loudly, trying to get the attention of the other guys. "MASON!" I yelled, causing him to jump.

"We didn't fuck, John, don't believe this retard." I said, turning to Mason and giving him the finger. He stands and leaves the living room, going down the hall to his bedroom.

John laughs and takes a big hit on his vape before setting it down beside him. He blows out the cloud of smoke and sits down in the spot that Mason was in.

"Good for you?" John says, holding back another laugh. I grunt with an annoyed tone and shut my eyes as I lean back on the couch. I cross my arms over my chest and huff.

"You know he's just saying that crap to mess with you, right?" John says, chuckling. I bite my lip and nod, almost like I was pouting. "Yeah...I know. It's just-....Cameron has been through a lot lately and I-....I just get so protective when someone talks about him and I. Ya know?"

John turns away and nods. "Yeah I get it. Don't worry dude, you and him will be fine." He says with a reassuring smile.

Later that day...

I have to do it now.
I won't do it if I wait any longer.

I had been in my room, trying to get myself up to go talk to Matt but I kept putting it off. I finally took a big sigh and got out of my bed and made my way to my bedroom door.

Mine and Cameron's rooms were the only bedrooms that were upstairs. Meaning that I'd have to walk downstairs, past the living room and kitchen, and into the hallway where Matt's room is.

What a sight that would be for the others.

I push away my thoughts and quickly make my way down the flight of stairs leading into the living room. On the couch sat Toby, Jay, and mason. They were playing a game of Smash bros on the tv.

In my head, I did a little happy dance as they wouldn't notice me go into Matt's room. I rushed by them and into the safety of the hallway.

The guest room that John and Jaren were borrowing for the time that they were staying here was shut. I smirked and chuckled softly to myself. I walked by it and to the end of the hall as Matt's room was the last room.

The door was shut but I could hear him inside. It sounded like he was recording. "Shit...why now?..." I mutter under my breath.

I blink a couple times before softly knocking on the door, hoping the guys in the living didn't hear me (they obviously didn't but still).

I bite the inside of my cheek and rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting for him to open the door. I hear an annoyed groan come from inside and some footsteps nearing the door.

My breathing speeds up and I realize as he opens the door that I haven't actually talked to Matt face to face in a long, long time.

He seemed surprised that it was me at the door and I gave him a forced smile. "H-hey Matt. Mind if I come in for a second?"

"Uhm I-....Eric I'm-..." he paused and looked back at his computer. "Ya know what, yeah. Just come in." He said, motioning for me to come into his bedroom.

Matt shuts the door behind me and I felt my heart rate speed up fro some unknown reason. He sits down in his chair and I take a seat on his unusually clean bed.

"Strange...he's cleaned everything up and made it tidy." I shrug off the thought and turn to face him.

"So what is it ya wanna talk about man?" He asks with a smile, resting his chin on his palm. I swallow and look down at my lap, feeling something strange in my stomach.

"Uhm..Matt I...I just want to address something with yo-." I was cut off by Matt quickly standing from his chair, his kind smile turning into a sinister frown.

"If this is about you and Cameron then I don't wanna fucking hear it." Matt states aggressively, catching me off guard.

"But Matt...just listen to m-..." I try to say but was cut off again as Matt walks towards me. "Eric! I said I don't wanna hear it! Now if you're just gonna keep bothering me with this, then I suggest you leave..." He warns with his nostrils flared.

My eyes were wide and I was full of shock. I have never seen Matt like this, when did he become so hostile?

"Matt please. Let me talk." I say, holding my hands in front of me as I stand up from the bed. Matt sighs deeply and relaxes his tense shoulders. "Alright. Fine. But only this once."

"Thank you. Now I wanted to say, Neither me not Cameron appreciate how you treat him. I am his, not yours. So we would both like it if you stopped with the pestering. I don't understand why you do it but it needs to stop."

As I finish from what I was saying, Matt has gone from relaxed and carefree to enraged. He begin to slowly walk towards me, a finger pointed in my direction. "Alright. I got something for you to tell your little "boyfriend" or whatever Cameron is to you. Tell him that I said to get the fuck out of my business. And for you, I'd your back."

Wow, I'm actually alive! And I FINALLY finished this chapter!
Sorry bout that guys 😅 writers block is harsh.

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
If you did, make sure to vote and comment!
Love y'all!
-💗 Emily

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