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"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your Captain speaking. The time is 1.29 p.m. local time. We are now flying in the Rajasthan air space and we will be landing at Jodhpur Airport in 20 minutes. Thank you for flying I Air" the pilot's voice boomed through the speakers in the plane waking up every sleeping souls.

So did Jagdish with anticipation at the highest level. The closer he got to the city she was in, an untold feeling arose within him. In last few hours, he couldn't remember the number of times he had their memories playing in his mind. Every little thing he came across reminded him of Yashodha. Fresh and vivid.

These were the times where he often feel helpless and weak as if he was slowly breaking the wall he built around himself.

Was he going to break what he had built and kept strong all this while?

He took a deep breath soothing his thumping heart and mind, bracing himself. 'I can do this. Nothing is difficult for Jagdish'

Salim who was seat directly behind Jagdish leaned forward jerking the latter's seat and whispered, "We are here! I'm so excited to meet Yashodha" he giggled.

The more his friends felt excited the more anxious he was. Worried and hoping they wouldn't blurt about her to any of their other friends.

At the mention of friends, Jagdish's mind subconsciously drifted to a question he had asked her back then.



"I remember you had told me the other day that you consider me as your only friend. Why?"

Yashodha's gaze shifted from her Choco chip muffin to him. They were at the Cafe Marina once again, seated at the very same spot and it has been the only place they meet apart from occasional encounters in the yard or domain.

"You are the only one as far as I have come across who interacts with me without any intention. I meant without the wrong one. I don't know about the naval officers but the medical officers are a little.... Attention seeker... As if... You know... How do I explain..."

"I think I understand" he interjected.

" Thank you... Those are mostly the young ones and the older officers aren't really interested in making friends. The ladies are wonderful but... Only to some extend... Tolerable until they begin talking about others. In short, turning into gossip mongers.

In one of those talks was when, I heard about you. I was pretty impressed. The girls spoke highly about you. They are crazy of you like anything. I adore how you carry yourself professionally, how you care for your friends and being all helpful when needed."

Yashodha paused, staring at the man who was looking contented listening to the praises she was throwing. Jagdish loves positive things and enjoys listening to people talk about happy things, it makes him happy.

"Hey, you are not the only one, dude. There are a bunch of officers who are heartthrobs here, okay" she reminded him, just in case if he had forgotten about it.

"Of course I know. But who cares, let me enjoy some nice things about me" he smiled, squeezing his eyes and motioned his hand for her to continue.

Yashodha smacked that waving hand and laughed out loud.

"Come on... go on. I rarely get to hear nice things."

"HaHa. Fine... They adore you.Your firmness in everything you do is what makes you expensive" she laughed.

"Expensive? That's the word you found to describe me? Not fair...

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