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⚔️J, Y & team on mission - Part II ⚔️


He was the same man Jagdish and Yashodha saw at the bazaar a couple of days ago. Yashodha remembered him as soon as he mentioned the name of his troop. He was a member of the Naxalite group of which were supposed to have undergone rehabilitation course. The very same group that took away the life of her fellow soldiers and her brother-in-law a year ago. 

As the 'ghost' mask were taken off, Yashodha gussed they were to take revenge over the death of their former leader, Nirmal.

She checked her digital watch.

It was quarter pass seven in the morning. Four officers stood at each available corner surrounding the man whom they have kept tied on the floor in a janitor room. The stuffy room was making it worst for them as they perspire in the no ventilation space. Each were taking alternate turns to get out of the janitor room for air. Some suggested they bring him to another room. Even that could be a risk they were afraid to take for the time being. 

Nageash, the man they caught hadn't uttered a word ever since he was caught. Despite the whacking and threatening he said none. Their patience were running low and the time too. The wedding was schedule to commence in two hours and they had no idea what's waiting for them. 

Naxalites aren't of those who would go without doing any damages. On duty officers were well aware of their enemy's capabilities. 

"Speak! What are you doing here? How many of you are in this building?" Javead's voice roared once again when Nageash refused to answer him for the umpteenth time. 

"I'll not say a word" he replied, adamantly. 

Yashodha tapped her feet impatiently. Her patience were going off limit. She took her gun, pulled the slide, loading the bullet into the barrel, she pointed at him. 

"Speak now or ready to die" Yashodha demanded pushing the muzzle on his forehead. "Speak" she pushed it further with pressure. The tension was building up, within the room and in her. The first thing was, they were naxalites, second her entire family were there and third many lives are at risk, the locals and foreigners. 

This man had to open up at any cost. He will, they know but it wouldn't be that soon. 

As time ticked, more people were starting their morning and it's was getting almost impossible for them to stay in the janitor room for long. They began to feel suffocating. 

Thus, they headed to the nearest room occupied by one of the four officers without getting suspicious glares from the guests. However, it was Yashodha who was receiving weird look and she instantly realised why.

It was because she looked as if she forgot to wear her skirt, walking around with jeans and her waist length lehenga top caught quite some eyes on her.

"Not bad, you do keep yourself quite prepared for all situation" Jagdish whispered walking by her side, impressed. 

"I'm always ready. You can't go looking for comfort when you are in the middle of a battle. Solution must be kept handy at all times. Same goes to guns. My father says don't carry guns when you are in family functions and see what's happening now. Family function, one of my cousin is getting married and I am here on a mission with thirty-four other officers. It wouldn't be helpful for myself if I don't carry a gun with me at this time. I can't go looking around for weapon when I need it the most. In short, I go by the saying we, the military wake up to everyday,

Aaj Muqabala Hoga.

Simple, right. Always be ready. You will never know when you will need it," conversed Yashodha as they walked Nageash to another room. 

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