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Sleep engulfed Jagdish as he was caught in a carousel of thoughts to plan for his two and half day holiday. Seeming tired of his twelve days sailing, he let the sleep take over him to eventually jolt out of his slumber two hours later. The sun shot hot rays into his room through the open window, warming his entire room that urged him  to leave the space immediately.

Freshening up in a jiff, he jumped into a mental search of whom could he spend the remaining day of his so call holiday. After a long contemplation on finding a comrade, he finally had one in mind who would keep him accompanied without having a problem.

Hence, at three in the afternoon, he was munching an apple in Room no. 11 seated on the concrete slab while Medic Officer Yashodha attended patients. Meanwhile, killing his boredom by occasionally indulging in conversations, sometimes with Yashodha, sometimes with the patients and sometimes with the cleaner and nurses. He was lucky none of the patient found his presences a disturbance.

Apart from passing his time in the new place, it also happen to be a perfect time to observe the lady working with sheer perfection, admiring each and every gesture she does like a moving piece of art.

'Feelings should be expressed be it love or anger' he revisited the moment happened in the morning. He agreed to her, good feeling should be expressed and what he has for her is purely admiration...

'plus, crush too can be categorised as a good thing, right?' he asked himself, lost in his thoughts. He was then pulled back to present by someone's voice.

"Two weeks" she replied to the patient and sent him off with a prescription note.

Jagdish observed her while she attended the next patient. Yashodha listened, asked questions that were targeted to get information she required and gave a well balanced response. She had a fluid easy mannerism and an aura that made each patients leave a positive remark before leaving her chamber. A remark for her, felt it was given to him, somewhat made him feel proud of her.

"How long is your service here?" he asked out of the blue remembering she will be leaving soon.

"As long as you are here..." she gave an immediate answer that made him frown a little.

"Just kidding. I have about two weeks left. I'm waiting for a call from my unit for my next posting and then I'll be leaving for good"

"Oh hmm... that should be long enough" Jagdish said tapping a finger on his chin.


"To read this weird specimen" he pointed at her while wiggling an eyebrow. He wanted to know about her, every detail be it big or small. Four months isn't enough, he barely knew ten percent of her yet there was a connection between them. He was sure the connection is from both the sides.

"Ohhh... Me? That sounds interesting. Go ahead but I'm an encyclopedia you will never able to finish reading me in two weeks. It takes a life time baby" she challenged giving a lopsided grin.

"Trust me darling, I will because I'm halfway through. In next two weeks, I will have your entire encyclopedia in my hand" he made his hand into a fist saying it confidently though it was hardly in humane capability.

"In your hand?" she asked with her head tilted to the side, examining him.

"Nope, maybe I'll keep you safe in my heart.... Your encyclopedia I meant" he grinned sheepishly.

Their gaze locked, unable to shun away the sudden wave of emotion passing through. There is that static feel swirling around them, a kind of feel that makes one's hairs on the back of the neck stand up. Almost electrifying. However, conscious kicked in and Yashodha was the first to pull her gaze away from his gorgeous eyes, looking elsewhere.

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