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Jagdish made his way to his room at three thirty mid night. The talk session with Yashodha's cousin stretched so long, he hadn't realised how fast time flew. They were a bunch of crazy people whom he had fun being around.

Seven out of ten cousins who were there was a part of the Indian Army. They fascinated him when they mentioned Yashodha had been a sole purpose for them to actually have an interest in the military and not their fathers. 

A highly influential lady in the family, he thought as he settled on the bed.

Though he had spent a long time mingling with the bunch, his mind still hovered over the talk he had with Janaki and her cannot-be-forgotten husband, Govind.

"Tell me. What you want to talk about?" Janaki asked when they reached her room.

Jagdish sat on the bed comfortably.
"Hmm... Patti, how many grandkids do you have?"  He asked.

"13 including my great grandchild. Why?"

"Wow! Big family. Do you love all of them, Patti?"

"Yes I do. But why do you ask so?" She was frowning, unable to understand the reason behind his question.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point. Why I'm asking  is because Swathy had mentioned you were a part of the plan to bring Arun here despite knowing his presence isn't welcomed here. Don't you love her, Patti? Isn't she your granddaughter too?" 

Jagdish knew he shouldn't get involved in their family matter but he wanted to be of a help in one way or the other for Yashodha. It got harder for him to see her breakdown often. How could her own grandmother and sister do this? Even after she had clearly established her reasons. He felt bad for her.

Maybe he shouldn't have done it, he thought when there were no response from Janaki. 

She simply sat  almost motionless. He begin to think of unfortunate events at unexpected time. He took a purposeful step towards her. Jagdish heaved silent sigh of relieve when he heard her sniff. 

Taking a seat next to her, her rested his hand on hers. 

Janaki's trembling hands held his. 

"I do love my granddaughter, Jaggu" she broke the silence in a quavering voice.

"Then why did you do that?" 

"Trust me, Jaggu. Arun convinced me that he had changed and he wants repent his mistake. He had been meeting me at Swathy's house often. I believed he had good intention for he made an effort to convince me to persuade Yashodha to patch up with him. I wanted only good for her. Yashodha wouldn't believe if I tell.

I know I had said a lot of mean things to Yasho and I meant it when I said those words. That's because I was angry to hear her denials, she never told me anything on what actually happened. I assume it was her mistake when she did not disclose about it" Janaki sniffled. 

"That's the problem, Patti. You want to convince your granddaughter to accept the man she had denied long time ago. Believing his words to be true. So, what if she didn't tell you anything. Perhaps, she has a reason. 

But what you assumed was wrong, Patti. I'm sorry if I'm crossing my limits but I think you should have understood her better. You have seen the world longer than any of us have.

I'm sorry for being a little harsh but there has to be someone to talk on behalf of her"

"I know. I was wrong but I fear she would end up alone ... Like my sister..." the last part of her sentence was almost inaudible.

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