Finn and Fletcher, FOR LIFE.(A Carsden Fanfiction)

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Even Fletcher couldn't predict this. The rush of nerves and heat that seem to possess him whenever HE was around. The passion that seem to make him a passenger in his own body. The affectionate and protectiveness he felt whenever they near, he couldn't predict this kind of feeling.

It drove him crazy.

It wasn't this way with Summer. They were of best friends than they could ever be lovers. He didn't doubt the love he had felt for her. He couldn't hold it back, but, he also couldn't act on it.

But, HE wasn't like that.

They had been friends. Casual acquitted by close friends and bandmates. But, even then, Fletcher felt it. The heated tension whenever they were alone. He tried his best to avoid him, it didn't work. It made the feeling stronger.

When he could, Fletcher listened. He listened to Finn's mystical melodies and tried his best to match them. He tried to express the feeling with words, but sometimes, even words couldn't comprehend the meaning behind what you tried to express, the depth of emotion you tried desperately to get across.

Words had failed him.

So he kept slience.

Until they were  no words left to say.

Time moved on, Fletcher got a job, Finn moved away. Only to find themselves back in Carsden one day years later.

"Flet," Finn spoke his name with a kind of longing. The years had been good to him, more than he deserved in his opinion. But when he saw Fletcher, he knew the the years had taken a beating to him. His face wrinkled up and his hair nearly grey.

He had never looked more stunning.

Finn felt his heart race, he couldn't do this! Fletcher was-

It happened.

He couldn't control it. The ease of which the monster took his place was incredible. He didn't even have to blink. The sudden rushing of blood in his ears, a feeling of crawling pain than utter cold relief.

Finn had gone to play.

The monster was out today.

Fletcher had watched Finn's every movement since he walked through the door of his bar early that morning. He saw the change, the ugliness that seem to replace Finn's loveliness. Fletcher felt as if something had crawled into his throat, he couldn't speak.

"Fletcher." It purred, not his dear, but the darkest part of him."I've, missed you." It rolled the S's and purred the E's.

"What, what you do want?" Fletcher's voice cracked."Just leave Finn alone!"He cried,"He doesn't deserve a monster, he's, he's too-"

"Too what?" It asked back, curiosity its torturer.

"I never met anyone like him. The way he makes music isn't  just a sound, but a piece of his soul he wants you to hear. The coldness he puts forth to protect his fallen his heart makes me almost pain with hurt. I can't protect him, I know can't, not in this town. But I can,"He paused, staring into the monster's eyes."But I can show him that love can."

Suddenly all the air in the room seem to sucked away. The days in Carsden had been rough, the sickness breaking everyone sanity. They all turned to their monsters, their destruction. But Fletcher? He had survived due to one thing.

He was waiting for me. Finn realized.

"That's right Finn, I love you. I've loved for about ten years now." Fletcher let out a shaky laugh." I don't know if you can hear me now, in whatever state your mind's in. But, fudge Finn, I can't hide myself anymore, I've loved you since we were four. I can't deny this anymore. I only dream of wanting you more. So if you're still in there, still breaking in my silence, I'll let you understand, there's nothing I want more right now then you in my hands." He placed the glass he was polishing down. In the room's darkened light he could barely see but he was sure he saw Finn laughing grin.

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