I don't wanna kiss you prank-Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Hey guys, it's me again and I have a prank idea, so today I'm gonna be pranking Jimin with the I don't wanna kiss you prank, and if you've seen our past videos we've done together then you should know that we are kinda an intimate couple per say. Long story short we enjoy kissing each other so I'm not sure what he's going to do when I start not kissing him, but we shall find out soon. So right now he's with some of his friends but he'll be back in about thirty minutes. Don't hate me cause he'll probably hate me enough for all y'all after this. I'm gonna punished for this, if ya know what I mean. Anywho let's continue later. *thirty minutes later *
Ok guys I just saw him pull up to the parking garage. I've hidden the camera and now I'm just gonna sit on the couch. You know, casually but he's gonna be mad at me so anyway. On with the video."-J
-third person POV-
After five minutes Jimin finally arrived home to Jin sitting on the couch, on his phone.
"Hey babe, miss me."-JM
"Yeah, what kinda question is that."-J
"You ok."-JM
"Yes, I'm fine."-J
Jimin leaned into kiss Jin but Jin turned away. Jimin got kinda sad but tried again and once again Jin turned away.
"Why aren't you kissing me. Did I do something."-JM
"No, I'm just not in the mood."-J
"If you kiss me I'll help you get into the mood."-JM
"No it's ok."-J
Jimin moves so he was now face to face with Jin, but Jin turned away.
"Babe, are you sure you're ok."-JM
"I'm fine."-J
"Kiss me then."-JM
"No, I already said I'm not in the mood."-J
"You said you missed me."-JM
"I did just because I missed you doesn't mean I'm in the mood to mouth fuck you."-J
"So then, you could just regular fuck me."-JM
"Not right now."-J
"Babe, I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"So kiss me then."-JM
"Why do I have to be sexual to show you that I love you."-J
"I didn't say you did."-JM
"You basically did."-J
"I'm sorry, it's just that you usually kiss me when I get home but it's like you're mad at me or something."-JM
"I'm not mad at you."-J
"Then why don't you wanna kiss me."-JM
"I just don't wanna kiss you, it's not like we have to kiss all the time."-J
Jimin tried to kiss Jin again but was denied.
"Babe please."-JM
"Don't daddy me."-J
"Please tell me what I did."-JM
"You didn't do anything, not everything is about you."-J
"And here I was thinking that you loved me."-JM
"But I do love you."-J
"Prove it."-JM
"Isn't saying it enough."-J
"No, kiss me."-JM
"Did you just like her photo, aren't I hot enough."-JM
"She's my cousin. It's at the family reunion."-J
"Oh, and you didn't answer, aren't I hot."-JM
"Yes you're hot."-J
"So kiss me."-JM
Jimin moved again to face Jin and was again denied a kiss.
"Baby please stop."-J
"No kiss me."-JM
"Go away."-J
"Not until you kiss me."-JM
"So you're never going away."-J
"Babe what did I do."-JM
"It's not you, it's me, and me just isn't in the mood."-J
"Are you jealous that I went out with my friends."-JM
"No why would I be."-J
"I dated one of them about 7 years ago."-JM
"That was seven years ago, we've been dating for two years, I trust you."-J
"Almost three."-JM
"Yeah in like a year."-J
"Eleven month's. And a day."-JM
"I know."-J
"Please just a little kiss."-JM
"No not even a little kiss."-J
"Do you even love me."-JM
"Of course I love you."-J
"Then why don't you wanna kiss me."-JM
"I'm not in the mood, ok baby."-J
"I'm gonna go to our room."-JM
Jimin left and slammed the door to their room.
"Ok guys he's pissed off at me now, I'm gonna go in there and tell him it was a prank. I doubt if he talks to me for a while. He was seriously questioning if I loved him. Any ways let's go tell him before he leaves the apartment completely."-J
Jin takes the camera and goes to tell Jimin, who is currently on the bed trying not to cry.
"Hey, baby."-J
"What do you want."-JM
"I'm sorry, it was the I don't wanna kiss you prank."-J
"Seriously, that's cruel."-JM
"Were you seriously questioning our love."-J
"Yes I thought you hated me."-JM
"No I could never hate you."-J
Jin leans down and kisses Jimin, and they both immediately feel better.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"So guys now we know how he reacted, comment if your partner would react the same."-J
"This was cruel, why."-JM
"Sorry baby, anyway don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to see more videos of us torturing each other with pranks and then still loving each other after."-J
"Well partly loving each other."-JM
"When that camera goes off, you're getting a punishment mister."-JM
"Oooooo fun."-J
"At this point it's not a punishment it's a good thing."-JM
"Bye guys, make sure to subscribe to both of our channels and tune into the next video to see if he can still walk."-JM
Jin turned off the camera and put it on the table.
"The things you do for your subscribers."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"So am I still getting that punishment baby."-J
"Yes you are."-JM
"Ok then."-J
"Come to daddy."-JM
"Don't worry I won't hurt you."-JM
"Are you sure."-J
"Yes, now sit here I'll be back."-JM
Jimin goes into the bathroom and comes back out with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
"O-ok daddy."-J
So Jin did as he was told.
"Now on your knees."-JM
"What do I have to do."-J
"Get on your knees."-JM
"Do I have to su-."-J
"No that's not what you have to do."-JM
"Then why am I on my knees."-J
"I wanted to be able to see you better."-JM
"But if you wanna do that, be my guest."-JM
"I'd rather fuck you though."-J
"Ah ah ah. You won't be doing that either."-JM
"Right it's my punishment, so you're gonna fuck me aren't you daddy."-J
"Yes I am baby."-JM
"Can't wait."-J
"Lay down, legs open."-JM
Jin once again does as he's told, and without warning, Jimin pushes himself into Jin causing Jin to squeeze his legs shut and squeal.
"A little warning would be nice."-J
"Bad boys don't get warnings."-JM
Jimin begins to trust deeper with each thrust.
"Mmmmm, fughck daddy."-J
"Mngh harder uhngh daddy."-J
So Jimin thrusts harder and deeper making Jin moan too many times for me to write. Jin started feeling a knot in his stomach.
"I ngh I'm gonna cuhhhm daddy. Ahh ughng."-J
"Not just yet you're not."-JM
Jimin pulled out and began sucking Jin's dick instead.
"Mmmmmnghmn. Daddy can ngh I please ngmh cum."-J
"*cough* you can cum now."-JM
Jin came and Jimin swallowed all of it.
"That was amazing daddy."-J
"We aren't done yet."-JM
"What do you mean."-J
"Okay daddy."-J
Jin got on his knees and did as he was told.
"Wow you're ungh amazing at this Mmmmm."-JM
"Mmmmm ngh."-JM
*two minutes later*
Without warning, again, Jimin came and Jin swallowed all of it.
"Are we done now."-J
"Yeah, I suppose that's enough punishment for today."-JM
"Thank you daddy. I'm gonna take a nap now."-J
"Aren't you gonna shower first."-JM
"I'll do it later."-J
"I'll do you later."-JM
"Ok but I'm gonna take a nap now."-J
"Oh and I'm still gonna get revenge for that prank."-JM
"Didn't you just get revenge."-J
"I meant in a video."-JM
"Ok, go ahead."-J
"I will now you can sleep now."-JM
"Thank you."-J
"Awww is my baby tired."-JM
"Yeah he is."-J
"Don't be, it was amazing. I'd kiss you but yeah I don't feel like tasting that."-J
"Yeah maybe we should brush our teeth then you can sleep, just so that we can kiss."-JM
So they brushed their teeth and layed back down. As soon as they got back into bed they kissed.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"Good night baby."-J
"Nighty night daddy."-JM

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