Vlog day 1- Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Hey guys so I just woke up please ignore my drowsiness today. Basically I'm just gonna vlog my day today, I don't have much planned but I've heard a rumor that my little brother is bringing his boyfriend over today, speaking of which I need to text my little love bug. I won't record that for reasons I don't wish to speak of, baby I know you're watching this once it goes up, I love you."-J

*texting off camera *

Lover boy💜😏=Jin

Lover boy💜😏: Hey baby, morning
Baby💗🌹💗🌹: Morning to you too, I miss you.
Lover boy💜😏: I miss you too, I can't wait to see you again
Baby💗🌹💗🌹: So how are you doing
Lover boy💜😏: I'm okay but I had trouble falling asleep last night without you
Baby💗🌹💗🌹: I wish I could talk to you longer, I'm going out with some friends.
Lover boy💜😏: Okay I'll let you go now I guess, I love you.
Baby💗🌹💗🌹: I love you too, bye

*back on camera *

"I miss him so much, anywho I smell food so let's go downstairs."-J
"Moms calling you for breakfast."-TH
"Thanks for telling me Tae, oh and when's your boyfriend coming over."-J
"Later today. I'm super nervous."-TH
"Now you know how I felt."-J
"Morning boys. I look forward to meeting your boyfriend later, what's his name again."-Yeri
"His name is Jungkook."-TH
"He sounds cute."-J
"He is cute."-TH

*after they all ate*

•knock knock• ( lol these sound effects)

"I'll get it, that's probably him."-TH
"Nope wasn't him yet, just Yoongi."-TH
"Hey what are you doing here."-J
"Well our boyfriends are hanging out and honestly they're loud, so I came here."-Y
"How is he."-J
"He's doing good, keeps complaining about how much he misses you but meh."-Y
"Are you always vlogging."-Yeri
"Not always but I didn't have any other ideas today."-J

knock knock• (anyone else hearing twice)

"Hey baby."-TH
"Hey, I missed you."-JK
"Mom he's here."-TH
"Awww you were right, he is adorable."-Yeri
"Don't suffocate the kid mom."-J
"So how long will you be staying with us."-Yeri
"I wouldn't wanna bother anyone."-JK
"Nonsense we love having people, you can stay with me, okay baby."-TH
"Okay babe."-JK
"I miss my boyfriend."-J
"He misses you too."-Y
"Well for now we're gonna go out for a bit."-TH
"Okay but first I only have one major rule, no sex unless you're the only two home."-Yeri
"Mom we haven't done that yet."-TH
"Innocent kids."-Y
"Well we won't hold y'all up anymore, go have fun, be careful, no sex in public restrooms."-J
"Hyung really, we're waiting to do that, anyway bye guys."-TH
"See y'all when you get home."-Yeri
"Goodbye young lovers."-J
"You must embarrass him a lot."-Y
"Yep that I do."-J
"So Yoongi will you be staying for dinner."-Yeri
"I don't think I'll be able to this time, I have to get back home around three."-Y
"When you get back, tell him I miss him."-J
"Yeah I will, I'm gonna get going."-Y
"Okay bye."-J
"Hey mom, you doing anything today."-J
"I'm going to the market in Busan."-Yeri
(Pretend that they're in Daegu)
"Can I come with you."-J
"Yeah sure, are you hoping your boyfriend will be there."-Yeri
"Maybe but we hardly ever get to spend time together."-J
"Probably because you don't live at home anymore."-Yeri
"Yeah that could be why."-J

*at the market*

"So what are we doing."-J
"Well what do ya think you do at a market."-Yeri
"Stare at my boyfriend and that's basically all I ever do."-J
"You two love each other too much."-Yeri
"Yeah in a way we do."-J

-Third person POV-
Just then Jin ran into someone he was kinda hoping to see but not like this.
"Watch where you're-."-JM
"Hey baby."-J
"I missed you so much."-JM
"I missed you more."-J
"It was one day."-H
"Leave em alone."-Y
"Hello again."-J
"Wait what are you doing here."-JM
"My mom needed some things and I kinda was hoping you'd be here."-J
"I love you so much."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"You're always recording aren't you."-JM
"Not always, just most of the time."-J
"You might wanna go catch up to your mom."-JM
"Are you trying to get rid of me."-J
"No, it's just that your mom is all the way down there."-JM
"Yeah I might have to go."-J
"So I'll see you later then."-JM
"Yeah, I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"I don't wanna leave you."-J
"You have too."-JM
"But why do I have to."-J
"Because you cant just stay all the way down here while your mom is all alone."-JM
"I could just meet her at the car."-J
"You could but I gotta go soon anyway."-JM
"So I guess I'll either see you at home or the train station."-J
"Yeah I guess so."-JM
"You coming or what."-Yeri
"Yeah mom I'm coming, bye baby."-J
"Bye daddy, I love you."-JM
"I love you too, and for what you just said I'm gonna have to punish you when we get back home."-J
"Can't wait."-JM

*later after dinner*

"So did you see your boyfriend."-TH
"Yeah, I'm happy."-J
"Of course you're happy, you love him more than anything."-TH
"For the most part."-J
"So when are you signing off from the video."-TH
"In a minute when I head up to my room, oh and you two best not do anything, my room is right next to y'all's."-J
"I already told you that we're waiting."-TH
"I know but I felt the need to remind you."-J
"Hey babe, you coming to bed."-JK
"Yeah let's go, goodnight hyung."-TH
"Night love birds."-J


"So guys that's basically it for the video, it was a little boring but it was fun, anywho I'm tired so I'm gonna go to sleep, bye guys."-J

(Off camera)
After Jin got ready for bed he soon laid down and soon fell fast asleep.

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