I can't stop kissing you prank-Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Hey guys so he's at work right now and I'm gonna be pranking him with the 'i can't stop kissing you prank' I don't think he'll react bad, I think he'll enjoy it actually. He really likes kisses, oh and yesterday when we laid down and he'd already fell asleep and when I kissed his forehead he smiled in his sleep, I swear it was the cutest thing ever, okay so I've set up a hall cam and a camera in here is set up and I'm gonna set this camera up in the living room, I better go set this camera up he'll be home soon."-J
I went into the living room and set the camera up and when I heard him unlocking the door I immediately went to the door to wait on him, he came in and closed the door behind him and I kissed him, he pulled away almost instantly.
"Well hello to you too."-JM
I kissed him again but he still didn't kiss back, and he giggled.
"Babe, stap, at least let me make it to the couch first."-JM
I kissed him again and he immediately pushed me away.
"Stop, okay, I know you always kiss me when I get home but you could wait till I'm past the door."-JM
I kissed him again and he pushed me away and walked past me, but I grabbed him and pulled him close, he tried to get away but I carried him to the living room and set him down on the couch and climbed on top of him and kissed him again, he giggled and pulled away.
"Babe seriously, stop, I love you but dear lord I haven't been home for ten minutes, let me breathe."-JM
"But I love kissing you."-J
I kissed him again and he pulled away and tried to slide out from under me.
"I mean it, stop."-JM
I kissed his neck and then moved up and kissed his lips repeatedly.
"I. Said. Stop." He said between kisses.
"No, I wuv you."-J
"I love you too but damn."-JM
I kissed him again and he finally kissed back but he pulled away quickly.
"Okay, I kissed back, now stop."-JM
I kissed his cheek and he stood up and walked to the kitchen and I followed and pushed him against the wall and kissed him, I'm just glad he didn't push me away but he did giggle.
"Babe stop, you don't have to kiss me every second, okay."-JM
"But I wanna."-J
"Just because you wanna doesn't mean I do, now can you let go of me."-JM
"You don't wanna kiss me."-J
"Well if course I do, but you're being excessive with it."-JM
"I'm not being excessive."-J
"Can you let go of me please."-JM
I picked him up and kissed him deeply, he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck and he kissed back, I'm happy he kissed back, I set him on the counter and we began making out, he started sucking on my tongue and then I remembered there's a camera set up to catch all of this so I reluctantly pulled away, he whined when I pulled away and he pulled me back in.
"You're so cute."-J
"So are you daddy."-JM
"You ever realize how much you call me daddy."-J
"Got an issue with it."-JM
"Nah, it's hot when you say it."-J
I leaned in and kissed him again, I picked him up and set him down so he's not on the counter. He pulled away and hugged me.
"How was work."-J
"Good, I missed you though."-JM
"I missed you too."-J
I kissed him again and he giggled.
"What's up with you, you keep kissing me."-JM
"Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend, who by the way has totally kissable lips."-J
"I didn't say you weren't allowed, you just never kiss me this much."-JM
"Sometimes I do."-J
"Yeah when we have sex."-JM
"See that's still sometimes."-J
"Yeah I know, my ass hurts."-JM
"It's fine, trust me what made my ass hurt definitely wasn't painful."-JM
I kissed him again and he pulled away, I really like this prank, I get kiss him a lot.
"So what do ya wanna do."-JM
"Later, I have to edit a video."-JM
He sat on the couch and I sat beside him, once he started editing I kissed him again, he pushed me away.
"I'm trying to work, stop."-JM
I kissed him again and he still pushed me away.
"Stop it."-JM
"But I love you."-J
"I love you too, but still I'm trying to work."-JM
I kissed his cheek and then pecked his lips again.
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"You taste like strawberries."-JM
"Strawberry chapstick."-J
"Ah that makes since."-JM
"And we also are out of strawberries now."-J
"Oh so that's why you've been looking a little chubby."-JM
"Wait really."-J
"Nah I'm just kidding."-JM
I leaned over and kissed him again, he kissed back but after a few seconds he pulled away.
"I'm trying to work."-JM
"Okay okay, I get it, you'd rather work than kiss."-J
"I didn't say that but I gotta get this done."-JM
"What can't I kiss you, I'm sure you could still work."-J
"Baby I said no, and no means no."-JM
"And I'm not gonna listen."-J
I took his computer and set it to the side and climbed on top of him and kissed him, he pulled away.
"Babe stop, I'm serious I have to finish editing."-JM
"Do it later."-J
"I can't do it later, now get off."-JM
I got off of him and sat beside him, while he was editing he leaned his head on my shoulder and I saw him close his eyes.
"Are you tired baby."-J
"No, just comfortable."-JM
I kissed his forehead and he leaned away from me. I honestly got kinda hurt when he leaned away.
"I don't wanna edit anymore."-JM
"Then don't."-J
"But I gotta."-JM
"Okay then finish."-J
I kissed him repeatedly he aggressively pulled away.
"Stop, god I swear."-JM
He got up and went to our room. I winked at one of the cameras, I followed him to the room and sat beside him.
"If you're just gonna kiss me then leave."-JM
"Look in the right corner of the room."-J
"Why'd you hide a camera."-JM
"I've been pranking you with the I can't stop kissing you prank."-J
"Bruh I was actually getting upset at you."-JM
"Why though."-J
"Cause I was trying to work and you kept kissing me."-JM
"It's fine, either way I'm done editing."-JM
"Okay, can you come help me take the other two cameras down."-J
"Yeah, where are they."-JM
"You get the hall cam and I'll get the one in the living room."-J
We took the cameras down and turned them off and did the outro.
"So guys I hope you enjoyed the video, don't forget to like and subscribe and stay tuned for more videos, until next time bye guys."-J
I turned the camera off and set it on the desk and laid on top of Jimin.
"Oof, you're kinda heavy."-JM
"I'm kidding."-JM
"Should we go get a shower."-J
"You can, I'll take one in the morning, I'm tired."-JM
"I'll wait too, that way I can shower with you."-J
"Okay, I'm gonna get to sleep."-JM
"Okay, good night."-J
I rolled off of him and we got under the covers and cuddled.
"I love you."-J
He didn't say anything back and I saw he was already asleep, poor baby must have been tired. Pretty soon I went to sleep.

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