A very cute proposal-Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Okay guys so today's video is gonna be a little different, I'm not pranking him today but I can't reveal anything yet because he's still here, he's asleep but I don't wanna risk it, okay so my little brother is coming over today to help film, he had nothing better to do since his boyfriend is on vacation, but this is gonna be an amazing video, I've been wanting to do this for a while now, I'll tell you guys all about when I can."-J
I was interrupted by a loud knock, I went over and got the door and saw my little brother.
"Hey bro."-J
"Hey hyung."-TH
"Come on in."-J
"It's been a while since I've been in here."-TH
"Yeah you don't come over often."-J
"So what video do you have planned."-TH
"I'll tell you later, he's still asleep but I don't want him to hear."-J
"Okay, so when will you tell me."-TH
"He said he had to go out and get some snacks and drinks, so when he leaves I'll tell you."-J
"I gotta go wake him up, I don't want him to sleep the day away."-J
I went into the bedroom and set the camera up and sat beside him on the bed.
"Baby, it's time to wake up."-J
"Come on baby, you gotta wake up."-J
"Please, for me."-J
"Give me kiss."-JM
I leaned in and kissed him.
"Okay now wake up, Tae's here."-J
"He got bored huh"-JM
"He's helping me film today."-J
"Oh, wait but you just revealed that you're gonna be pranking me."-JM
"I'm not filing a prank video today, I'm filming a video I know you're gonna love."-J
"Ooo what is it."-JM
"Not telling, it's a surprise."-J
"Oh fine."-JM
"But trust me you will love it."-J
"Are you gonna propose."-JM
"Not yet, someday but not today."-J
"Aww, okay, I'll wait."-JM
"Good boy."-J
"I gotta go to the store."-JM
"Okay, need help getting ready."-J
"Yeah, my ass hurts."-JM
"I'm sorry baby."-J
"It's okay, it'll stop hurting."-JM
I turned the camera off and set it down and helped him get ready, I got distracted a little while he was naked.
"You're so sexy."-J
"Fine fine, but it's your fault."-J
"How is it my fault."-JM
"Because you're so sexy."-J
"That's not my fault, I was born like this."-JM
"And I am so thankful for it."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
I finished helping him get ready and then turned the camera back on, I kissed him and after a few seconds we went into the living room.
"Hey Tae."-JM
"Hey Jimin."-TH
"How've you been."-JM
"Good but lonely, I miss my boyfriend."-TH
"When will he be back."-JM
"In a week."-TH
"Well at least he'll be back soon."-JM
"Yeah but I really miss him."-TH
"I bet you do, anyways I'll see you later, I gotta get to the shop."-JM
"Wait baby."-J
I pulled him in and kissed him.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
He left and then I turned to Tae and proceeded to tell him the plan.
"Okay so I have a special thing for today."-J
"What is it."-TH
"Okay so I have a date idea, I'm gonna take him on a picnic in the place we had our first date and then I'm gonna say this whole speech and then propose."-J
"Awww, I'll be glad to help with that, wait do you have the rings."-TH
"Yeah, wanna see em."-J
I took out the rings and showed them to him.

"Aww, it's really cute how they complete each other

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"Aww, it's really cute how they complete each other."-TH
"Yeah, and it's engraved with the day we met."-J
"Okay that's too cute."-TH
"I can't wait surprise him."-J
"I can't wait to see his reaction."-TH
I put the rings back in the coat I'm gonna wear, I sat back on the couch and we ended up cuddling, he's my brother and he was cold. Jimin came back and set the groceries down and came over to the couch, I wrapped my free arm around his shoulder, Tae had fell asleep but we aren't gonna be leaving for a bit so it's fine.
"He's adorable."-JM
"Yeah he is."-J
"I can hear you guys."-TH
"We know."-J
"So what are we doing today."-JM
"That's for us to know and you to find out."-J
"Awww tell me please."-JM
"You'll find out later."-J
"Fine, I'll wait."-JM

*three hours later*
We are walking to the location and I'm super nervous, we got there not long after and I told Tae to take Jimin on a walk and I'll text him when to bring him back, we already had lunch and I'm setting up the place now, I got finished and texted Tae that he could bring him back, once he lead him back he blindfolded him and brought him to the area. I got on one knee and took the rings out, I put one in a different box and put it in my coat, I held up the other and gave Tae the signal to take the blindfold off him, once he did and Jimin noticed me I started speaking.
"I have loved you from the moment I met you, even through the bad times, and I will never stop loving you, so Park Jimin, will you marry me."-J
"Yes, I will marry you."-JM
I put the ring on his finger and pulled him in and hugged him, I felt him pull the other box out of my pocket, he pulled away and opened the box.
"As long as you'll marry me."-JM
He put the ring on my finger and kissed me, once we pulled away we both looked at Tae, who was now trying to not cry. We went over and hugged him.
"Congrats guys."-TH
"Thanks, oh and I have a surprise for you Tae."-J
"Turn around."-J
I took the camera and he turned around and there was Jungkook with open arms. Tae ran to him and hugged him, they ended up falling on the ground.
"I missed you so much baby."-TH
"I missed you too."-JK
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
"Were we like that when we started dating."-J
"A little, hell we're still like that sometimes."-JM
"Yeah we are, I love you so much."-J
"I love you too daddy."-JM

*at home*
We finally finished cleaning the kitchen after dinner, he was already sitting on the couch, I am so happy I met him, after I was done I went over to the couch and sat down, he immediately cuddled up to me.
"You're so cute."-J
"So are you, I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"I'm gonna go get a shower."-JM
"I'll come with you."-J

*in the shower*
I hugged onto his waist when we finished washing up, he giggled and turned around and kissed me, I kissed back and, not to much surprise, we ended up making out, he gently pushed me onto the shower seat and climbed on top of my lap, I gently grabbed his ass, causing him to moan, although all we did was make out, we both ended up hard but we just turned the water cold.

*after the shower*
After the shower we went to bed and cuddled for what seemed like hours before we fell asleep.

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