Break up prank- Jin ver.

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-Jin POV-
"Okay guys so we're back home now, and we had a lot of fun seeing our friends and parents, the reason I'm filming right now is because I have a great prank idea, he went out on a walk because one of his friends wanted to go on a walk with him, okay so the prank idea is the I'm breaking up with you prank, I know this is gonna hurt him especially after I was talking about getting engaged and how I was looking at rings, he's really sensitive, and we all know how much I hate hurting him, or even the thought of it, but I know he's gonna be mad at me after this, but that's okay. Okay so I'm gonna set up the camera because he's almost home, see ya soon."-J
*ten minutes later *
"Guys he just pulled up, I'm gonna stop taking now so he doesn't here me when he comes in."-J
"Hey baby I'm home."-JM
"I'm so glad to be back home."-JM
"Yeah, ummmm can we talk."-J
"Yeah what's up."-JM
"So I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've realized something."-J
"Babe, you're scaring me."-JM
"Okay, you know I love you right."-J
"Yeah, babe what's wrong, you're acting kinda weird."-JM
"Well I've been thinking."-J
"About what."-JM
"I think."-J
"Babe just tell me, it's okay."-JM
"I think we."-J
"We what, wait, please tell me this isn't going where I think it is."-JM
"I think we should break up."-J
"What, wait why, did I do something?"-JM
"No it's not you, it's me, and I just think we should go on a break."-J
"Did you not mean anything you said about loving me and wanting to marry me."-JM

I didn't reply to him just so it'd seem more realistic, I hate hurting him like this, he's actually questioning if I love him, and of course I love him and want to marry him.
"So you didn't mean it."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
"You think sorry is gonna make any difference right now, do you have any idea how much I fucking love you and I thought you loved me too, do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear the person you thought wanted to marry you say that they wanna break up. Why even lie about it, if you knew you didn't love me why didn't you just leave me sooner, I knew I shouldn't have left all my friends and family in Busan just to be with you."-JM
"No, I don't wanna hear it right now, fine you wanna break up then whatever, just don't ever talk to me again."-JM

He stormed out of the room and I'm assuming he just went into the living room because I can here him crying but the front door didn't open. I went out of the room and went into the living room to see him crying on the couch. I feel so bad for doing this, not my best prank idea.
"Go away."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
"Why do you have a camera?"-JM
"I was pranking you."-J
"Are you fucking serious."-JM
"Yeah, it was the break up prank."-J
"Fuck you, why would you do that."-JM
"I'm sorry baby, please tell me you don't actually wanna break up for real."-J
"You're fucking lucky I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"I fucking hate you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J

-Third Person POV-
Jin tried to hug Jimin but he moved away from the hug since he's mad at Jin.
"Go away."-JM
"Awwww baby don't be that way, it was just a prank."-J
"Do you know how much that hurt."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
"Save your sorry, you really hurt me, I thought you were being serious."-JM
Jin pulled Jimin into a kiss, he just couldn't help it.

-Jimin POV-
I tried my hardest to not kiss back but he makes me weak to the point I just gave up and kissed him back. As much I was mad at him right now I couldn't help but kiss him.
"Screw you."-JM
"We both know you don't mean it."-J
"Yeah I know, I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby, please don't punish me."-J
"I won't, but I do have an idea, but we'll have to turn the camera off."-JM
"Okay, so guys I'm gonna end the video here, pray for me and don't forget to like and subscribe."-J

He turned the camera off and I immediately got on top of him and started to kiss him deeply.
"Fuck me."-JM
I began to grind my hips forward and near immediately got hard.
"Mmmmmm baby."-J
"Damn daddy, hard already."-JM

-Third person POV-
Jin flipped them over so that he was on top of Jimin, he took the younger boys shirt off and then took off his own shirt, he took off their pants and then he grinds his hips forward, making the bother boy moan loudly.
"Uhhh fuck me daddy."-JM

He took their boxers off and thrusted his dick into the other boy, he began moving at a steady pace, Jimin moved their position so that they were sitting on the couch and then he began to bounce on his boyfriends dick.
"Mmmmmm Damn baby, you're good at this."-J
"Thanks daaaaaaaaddy."-JM
"Unggghghh fuck."-J
All of a sudden Jimins phone rang, it was his mom, he got his phone but didn't get off of Jin.
"Hey mom."-JM
Jin thrusted his hips upward to tease Jimin, he accidentally moaned a little loudly.
"Mmmm fuck."-JM
"Are you okay honey."
"Yeah mom I'm fine, I stubbed my toe."-JM
"That's the oldest excuse that people use when they're doing it."
"Mom we aren't doing it."-JM
"Okay sure, but anyways I just wanted to check up on you and see how you're doing."
"I'm doing okay."-JM
Jin thrusted his his up harsher this time.
"Ughhhhhh fuck."-JM
"Why don't I just cal you back later, bye honey."
"Okay bye mom."-JM
He hung up the phone and glared at Jin.
"That was my mom."-JM
"Don't oops me, you just made me moan into my moms ear."-JM
"It's okay, I still love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
They continued what they were doing until both of them came and they ended up laying on the couch with Jin on top of Jimin, almost immediately Jimin fell asleep and Jin turned on the television and fell asleep without pulling out.
*an hour later *
They both started to wake up and Jimin immediately was hard because his boyfriends dick was still inside of him, he grabbed Jin's hips and thrusted his hips forward and moaned quietly.
"Baby, what are you doing."-J
"It's your fault for not pulling out."-JM
"How is it my fault."-J
"You didn't pull out and now I want you."-JM
"Please just one last time today."-JM
"Okay fine."-J
Yeah we all know how this went.

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