Our first time- Jimin ver.

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-Jimin POV-
"Okay guys so we have a fun video idea for today."-JM
"Is it more hickeys cause that's fun."-J
"No, and I know that yesterday on his channel we said that we wouldn't be filming today because we're hanging out with friends, but we're hanging with them later because one of them has to work, and because the mall doesn't open early today, so we have a story time video planned."-JM
"What are we gonna be talking about."-J
"I'm glad you asked, yeah I haven't told him what we're going to talk about, so today we will be talking about our first times, together and some other first times."-JM
"A lot of people have been saying that we should do that, so what first time are we gonna talk about first."-J
"Our first time coming out, like to friends and parents."-JM
"That was awkward, well for me it was when I was like fifteen, I had just got a boyfriend and I wanted to tell my mom, so I went downstairs and told her I had something I wanted to tell her, and then I told her and she said 'well duh I already figured that out' and yeah so turns out I'm a very obvious gay."-J
"When I came out to my parents they didn't know how to react, but they just said they had a hunch about it but they were okay with it, the hardest thing I had to do was come out to my best friend but he said he didn't care because he's gay too, I had no idea he was gay, yeah and long story short we actually ended up dating for a bit over a year."-JM
"What first are we gonna talk about next."-J
"Let's talk about the most awkward first, the first time we met."-JM
"Well we met through a friend, my first impression of you was, wow this guy is cute."-J
"Really, my first impression of you was, well actually when we first met I didn't see us being anything more than friends because I thought you were straight until you were talking about how cute some guy was."-JM
"You thought I was straight, now that's funny."-J
"You seemed straight, I guess that's why you top the most."-JM
"Yeah either that or maybe you're too gay to be a top."-J
"Hey I've topped before."-JM
"Oh trust me I know."-J
"So now moving onto our first time doing it, together though, not our first time ever."-JM
"I'm just gonna say it, he was the second person I'd done it with."-J
"You were the first I've done it with."-JM
"Yeah so Anyways let's get into the story."-JM
"Well it was like a month after we started dating."-J
"Really, we waited that long, I'm impressed."-JM
"Yeah, I impressed too, it was when he came over when my mom and brother went on a trip, I was sick and he came to take care of me, I got better after a day and they would be gone for a week and a half."-J
"And so then we could finally kiss again, and one time we were kissing and things got heated, and so yeah I think you know what happens next, the main thing I remember about the next day was waking up and barely being able to walk because my ass hurt, trust me for someone who had just got over being sick he was amazing in bed."-JM
"Baby, you can't go that far into detail."-J
"Oh well it's true, and then my first time being the top, well it was after we got into an argument, his fault, and yeah let's just say I think the neighbors heard everything because they were awkward around us for the next week."-JM
"My favorite time of you being a top is after the I don't wanna kiss you prank, that was intense, my ass hurt for a week."-J
"Yeah I did go a little rough didn't I."-JM
"A little rough, jeez if that's what you call a little rough I'd be in too much pain to even think about what you call extremely rough."-J
"Well maybe we could try that out."-JM
"Honey I have to be able to walk."-J
"Fine I won't go that rough, but I'm topping next time."-JM
"So guys it's about time for us to get going to meet our friends, I think we should end the video here, make sure to like and subscribe, until next time, bye."-JM

I turned the camera off and set it on the desk and we got ready, I stole one of his favorite hoodies that he always wears, don't judge the fact that I love to wear his hoodies, and we went downstairs, his brother and Jungkook are coming with us since we're all friends.
"Keep an eye on your brother okay."-Yeri
"Okay mom, I'll keep him on a leash."-J
"I didn't agree to that."-TH
"I was just kidding."-J
"Yeah sure you were."-TH
"We better get going."-J
"See ya later mom."-TH
"Bye guys."-Yeri

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